Class FullUnorderedScanExpression

    • Constructor Detail

      • FullUnorderedScanExpression

        public FullUnorderedScanExpression​(Set<String> recordTypes)
    • Method Detail

      • getQuantifiers

        public List<? extends Quantifier> getQuantifiers()
        Description copied from interface: RelationalExpression
        Return an iterator of references to the children of this planner expression. The iterators returned by different calls are guaranteed to be independent (i.e., advancing one will not advance another). However, they might point to the same object, as when Collections.emptyIterator() is returned. The returned iterator should be treated as an immutable object and may throw an exception if Iterator.remove() is called. The iterator must return its elements in a consistent order.
        Specified by:
        getQuantifiers in interface RelationalExpression
        an iterator of references to the children of this planner expression
      • rebase

        public FullUnorderedScanExpression rebase​(@Nonnull
                                                  AliasMap translationMap)
        Description copied from interface: Correlated
        Rebases this and all other objects this objects is composed of using a given translation map.
        Specified by:
        rebase in interface Correlated<RelationalExpression>
        translationMap - a map defining a translation from CorrelationIdentifiers ids to CorrelationIdentifiers ids'. After the rebase, every correlation to an id contained ids that is contained or referred to directly or indirectly by this must have been transformed to use the mapped counterpart of id id' in ids'. IDs not contained in the translation map must remain unmodified by the rebase operation.
        a new entity that has been rebased
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object
      • rewritePlannerGraph

        public PlannerGraph rewritePlannerGraph​(@Nonnull
                                                List<? extends PlannerGraph> childGraphs)
        Description copied from interface: PlannerGraphRewritable
        Method to rewrite the planner graph.
        Specified by:
        rewritePlannerGraph in interface PlannerGraphRewritable
        childGraphs - planner graphs of children expression that already have been computed
        a new planner graph that can combine the childGraphs in a meaningful way. Note that there is no obligation to use the childGraphs at all, this method can create a new independent planner graph completely from scratch.