Class TextCollatorRegistryJRE

    • Method Detail

      • instance

        public static TextCollatorRegistry instance()
        Get the singleton instance of this registry.
        the text collator registry that used JRE classes.
      • getTextCollator

        public TextCollator getTextCollator​(int strength)
        Description copied from interface: TextCollatorRegistry
        Get a text collator of the specified strength for the default locale.
        Specified by:
        getTextCollator in interface TextCollatorRegistry
        strength - the desired strength
        a weak text collator for the given locale and strength
      • getTextCollator

        public TextCollator getTextCollator​(@Nonnull
                                            String locale,
                                            int strength)
        Description copied from interface: TextCollatorRegistry
        Get a text collator of the specified strength for the given locale.
        Specified by:
        getTextCollator in interface TextCollatorRegistry
        locale - the name of the target locale
        strength - the desired strength
        a weak text collator for the given locale and strength