Class OnlineIndexer.IndexFromIndexPolicy.Builder

    • Constructor Detail

      • Builder

        protected Builder()
    • Method Detail

      • setSourceIndex

        public OnlineIndexer.IndexFromIndexPolicy.Builder setSourceIndex​(@Nonnull
                                                                         String sourceIndex)
        Set a source index to scan. Some sanity checks will be performed, but it is the caller's responsibility to verify that this source is indexing all the relevant records for the target index.
        sourceIndex - an existing, readable, index.
        this builder
      • forbidRecordScan

        public OnlineIndexer.IndexFromIndexPolicy.Builder forbidRecordScan()
        After calling this function, throw an exception if the source index cannot be used to build the target index. The default behaviour (if this function isn't called) would be performing a full record scan.
        this builder