Class ResolvedKeySpacePath

  • public class ResolvedKeySpacePath
    extends Object
    A KeySpacePath that has been resolved into the value that will be physically stored to represent the path element in the FDB keyspace. A KeySpacePath represents a path through a logical directory tree defined by a KeySpaceDirectory. Some directories, such as a the DirectoryLayerDirectory logically represent their values in one format (such as a string) but store their version in another "resolved" format (such as a long). A ResolvedKeySpacePath represents the value for a path entry as resolved from a KeySpacePath.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ResolvedKeySpacePath

        protected ResolvedKeySpacePath​(@Nullable
                                       ResolvedKeySpacePath parent,
                                       KeySpacePath inner,
                                       PathValue value,
                                       Tuple remainder)
        Create a resolved keyspace path.
        parent - the parent resolved path
        inner - the path for which the value was resolved
        value - the resolved value
        remainder - if the path was resolved from a Tuple this is the remaining portion that extends beyond the end of the path.
    • Method Detail

      • size

        public int size()
        Get the length of the path.
        the length of the path
      • getParent

        public ResolvedKeySpacePath getParent()
        Returns the parent path element.
        the parent path element or null if this is the root of the path
      • getDirectoryName

        public String getDirectoryName()
        Returns the directory name for this path element.
        the directory name
      • getDirectory

        public KeySpaceDirectory getDirectory()
        Returns the directory that corresponds to this path entry.
        returns the directory that corresponds to this path entry
      • getLogicalValue

        public Object getLogicalValue()
        Returns the logical value (prior to resolving) for this path element.
        the logical value for this path element
      • getResolvedPathValue

        public PathValue getResolvedPathValue()
        Returns the value that will be physically stored to represent this path element along with any metadata that may be associated with it.
        the value that will be stored stored for the path element
      • getResolvedValue

        public Object getResolvedValue()
        Returns the value that will be physically stored to represent this path element.
        the value that will be stored stored for the path element
      • getResolvedMetadata

        public byte[] getResolvedMetadata()
        Returns any metadata that may be stored along with the resolved value for this path element. Metadata is produced from DirectoryLayerDirectory entries in which the LocatableResolver that is performing the string to long mapping is also configured to store additional metadata associated with that entry.
        the metadata that is stored along with the resolved value for this path element or null if there is no metadata
      • toTuple

        public Tuple toTuple()
        Converts the resolved path into a Tuple.
        the Tuple form of the resolved path
      • flatten

        public List<ResolvedKeySpacePath> flatten()
        Flattens the path into a list of ResolvedKeySpacePath entries, with the root of the path located at position 0.
        this path as a list
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object