Class NestingKeyExpression

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    AtomKeyExpression, KeyExpression, KeyExpressionWithChild, KeyExpressionWithChildren, PlanHashable

    public class NestingKeyExpression
    extends BaseKeyExpression
    implements KeyExpressionWithChild, AtomKeyExpression
    A key expression within a nested subrecord. If the parent field is repeated, then the parent field must have fan type FanType.FanOut. In that case, this will return the nested expression evaluated against every subrecord (possibly returning no Key.Evaluateds if the parent field is empty). If the parent field is not repeated and not set, then this will evaluate the nested expression on the null record. This should return the same result as if the field were set to the empty message. If this expression is evaluated on the null record, then it will evaluate the same as if the parent field is unset or empty (depending on the fan type).