Class Quantifier.Physical

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Bindable, Correlated<Quantifier>
    Enclosing class:

    public static final class Quantifier.Physical
    extends Quantifier
    Physical quantifier. This kind of quantifier is the conduit between two RecordQueryPlans. It does not have any associated semantics; all semantics and execution details must be subsumed by the query plans themselves.
    • Method Detail

      • getShorthand

        public String getShorthand()
        Description copied from class: Quantifier
        Return a short hand string for the quantifier. As a quantifier's semantics is usually quite subtle and should not distract from expressions. For example, when a data flow is visualized the returned string should be short.
        Specified by:
        getShorthand in class Quantifier
        a short string representing the quantifier.
      • structuralEquals

        public boolean structuralEquals​(@Nullable
                                        Object other)
      • structuralHashCode

        public int structuralHashCode()
      • rebase

        public Quantifier.Physical rebase​(@Nonnull
                                          AliasMap translationMap)
        Description copied from interface: Correlated
        Rebases this and all other objects this objects is composed of using a given translation map.
        translationMap - a map defining a translation from CorrelationIdentifiers ids to CorrelationIdentifiers ids'. After the rebase, every correlation to an id contained ids that is contained or referred to directly or indirectly by this must have been transformed to use the mapped counterpart of id id' in ids'. IDs not contained in the translation map must remain unmodified by the rebase operation.
        a new entity that has been rebased