Class RecordQueryScanPlan

    • Constructor Detail

      • RecordQueryScanPlan

        public RecordQueryScanPlan​(@Nonnull
                                   ScanComparisons comparisons,
                                   boolean reverse)
        Overloaded constructor. Use the overloaded constructor RecordQueryScanPlan(Set, ScanComparisons, boolean) to also pass in a set of record types.
        comparisons - comparisons to be applied by the operator
        reverse - indicator whether this scan is reverse
      • RecordQueryScanPlan

        public RecordQueryScanPlan​(@Nullable
                                   Set<String> recordTypes,
                                   ScanComparisons comparisons,
                                   boolean reverse)
        Overloaded constructor.
        recordTypes - a super set of record types of the records that this scan operator can produce
        comparisons - comparisons to be applied by the operator
        reverse - indicator whether this scan is reverse
    • Method Detail

      • isReverse

        public boolean isReverse()
        Description copied from interface: QueryPlan
        Indicates whether this plan will return values in "reverse" order from the natural order of results of this plan. The return value is true if the plan returns elements in descending order and false if the elements are returned in ascending order.
        Specified by:
        isReverse in interface QueryPlan<FDBQueriedRecord<Message>>
        true if this plan returns elements in reverse order
      • hasRecordScan

        public boolean hasRecordScan()
        Description copied from interface: QueryPlan
        Indicates whether this plan (or one of its components) scans at least a subset of the record range directly rather than going through a secondary index. A plan may only scan over a subset of all records. Someone might not use any secondary indexes explicitly, but they might make use of the primary key index. For example, if they had a compound primary key, and they issued a query for all records that had some value for the first element of their primary key, the planner will produce a plan which scans over a subset of all records.
        Specified by:
        hasRecordScan in interface QueryPlan<FDBQueriedRecord<Message>>
        true if this plan (or one of its components) scans at least a subset of the records directly
      • hasFullRecordScan

        public boolean hasFullRecordScan()
        Description copied from interface: QueryPlan
        Indicates whether this plan (or one of its components) must perform a scan over all records in the store directly rather than going through a secondary index. See hasRecordScan for the comparison between two methods.
        Specified by:
        hasFullRecordScan in interface QueryPlan<FDBQueriedRecord<Message>>
        true if this plan (or one of its components) must perform a scan over all records in the store directly
      • hasIndexScan

        public boolean hasIndexScan​(@Nonnull
                                    String indexName)
        Description copied from interface: QueryPlan
        Indicates whether this plan scans the given index.
        Specified by:
        hasIndexScan in interface QueryPlan<FDBQueriedRecord<Message>>
        indexName - the name of the index to check for
        true if this plan (or one of its children) scans the given index
      • hasLoadBykeys

        public boolean hasLoadBykeys()
        Description copied from interface: QueryPlan
        Indicates whether this plan (or one of its components) loads records by their primary key.
        Specified by:
        hasLoadBykeys in interface QueryPlan<FDBQueriedRecord<Message>>
        true if this plan (or one of its components) loads records by their primary key
      • rebase

        public RecordQueryScanPlan rebase​(@Nonnull
                                          AliasMap translationMap)
        Description copied from interface: Correlated
        Rebases this and all other objects this objects is composed of using a given translation map.
        Specified by:
        rebase in interface Correlated<RelationalExpression>
        translationMap - a map defining a translation from CorrelationIdentifiers ids to CorrelationIdentifiers ids'. After the rebase, every correlation to an id contained ids that is contained or referred to directly or indirectly by this must have been transformed to use the mapped counterpart of id id' in ids'. IDs not contained in the translation map must remain unmodified by the rebase operation.
        a new entity that has been rebased
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object
      • planHash

        public int planHash​(@Nonnull
                            PlanHashable.PlanHashKind hashKind)
        Description copied from interface: PlanHashable
        Return a hash similar to hashCode, but with the additional guarantee that is is stable across JVMs.
        Specified by:
        planHash in interface PlanHashable
        hashKind - the "kind" of hash to calculate. Each kind of hash has a particular logic with regards to included and excluded items.
        a stable hash code
      • logPlanStructure

        public void logPlanStructure​(StoreTimer timer)
        Description copied from interface: QueryPlan
        Adds one to an appropriate StoreTimer counter for each plan and subplan of this plan, allowing tracking of which plans are being chosen (e.g. index scan vs. full scan).
        Specified by:
        logPlanStructure in interface QueryPlan<FDBQueriedRecord<Message>>
        timer - the counters to increment
      • getComplexity

        public int getComplexity()
        Description copied from interface: QueryPlan
        Returns an integer representing the "complexity" of the generated plan. Currently, this should simply be the number of plans in the plan tree with this plan as the root (i.e. the number of descendants of this plan, including itself).
        Specified by:
        getComplexity in interface QueryPlan<FDBQueriedRecord<Message>>
        the complexity of this plan
      • rewritePlannerGraph

        public PlannerGraph rewritePlannerGraph​(@Nonnull
                                                List<? extends PlannerGraph> childGraphs)
        Rewrite the planner graph for better visualization of a query scan plan.
        Specified by:
        rewritePlannerGraph in interface PlannerGraphRewritable
        childGraphs - planner graphs of children expression that already have been computed
        the rewritten planner graph that models scanned storage as a separate node that is connected to the actual scan plan node.