Class OnlineIndexer.Config.Builder

  • Enclosing class:

    public static class OnlineIndexer.Config.Builder
    extends Object
    A builder for OnlineIndexer.Config. These are the mutable configuration parameters used while building indexes and are designed to be safe to be updated while a build is running.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Builder

        protected Builder()
    • Method Detail

      • setProgressLogIntervalMillis

        public OnlineIndexer.Config.Builder setProgressLogIntervalMillis​(long progressLogIntervalMillis)
        Set the minimum time between successful progress logs when building across transactions. Negative will not log at all, 0 will log after every commit.
        progressLogIntervalMillis - the number of milliseconds to wait between successful logs
        this builder
      • setIncreaseLimitAfter

        public OnlineIndexer.Config.Builder setIncreaseLimitAfter​(int increaseLimitAfter)
        Set the number of successful range builds before re-increasing the number of records to process in a single transaction. The number of records to process in a single transaction will never go above OnlineIndexer.Config.getMaxLimit(). By default this is OnlineIndexer.DO_NOT_RE_INCREASE_LIMIT, which means it will not re-increase after successes.
        increaseLimitAfter - the number of successful range builds before increasing the number of records processed in a single transaction
        this builder