Interface RecordQueryPlan

    • Method Detail

      • getChildren

        List<RecordQueryPlan> getChildren()
        Returns the (zero or more) RecordQueryPlan children of this plan.

        Warning: This part of the API is undergoing active development. At some point in the future, the return type of this method will change to allow it to return a list of generic QueryPlans. At current, every RecordQueryPlan can only have other RecordQueryPlans as children. However, this is not guaranteed to be the case in the future. This method has been marked as API.Status.UNSTABLE as of version 2.5.

        the child plans
      • getQueryPlanChildren

        default List<? extends QueryPlan<?>> getQueryPlanChildren()
        Description copied from interface: QueryPlan
        Returns the (zero or more) child QueryPlans of this plan. These children may or may not return elements of the same type as their parent plan.

        Warning: This part of the API is currently undergoing active development. At some point in the future, this will be renamed getChildren(). This cannot be done at current, however, as it would require an incompatible change to getChildren(). That method has been marked API.Status.UNSTABLE as of version 2.5.

        Specified by:
        getQueryPlanChildren in interface QueryPlan<FDBQueriedRecord<Message>>
        the child plans of this plan