Class MouseOverTextEvent

  • All Implemented Interfaces:, java.lang.Cloneable

    public abstract class MouseOverTextEvent
    extends javafx.event.Event
    Defines an event where the mouse becomes stationary over some part of an area (MOUSE_OVER_TEXT_BEGIN) and when it moves from that position (MOUSE_OVER_TEXT_END).
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Field Detail


        public static final javafx.event.EventType<MouseOverTextEvent> MOUSE_OVER_TEXT_BEGIN

        public static final javafx.event.EventType<MouseOverTextEvent> MOUSE_OVER_TEXT_END
    • Method Detail

      • beginAt

        public static final MouseOverTextEvent beginAt​(javafx.geometry.Point2D screenPos,
                                                       int charIdx)
      • getPosition

        public abstract javafx.geometry.Point2D getPosition()
        For MOUSE_OVER_TEXT_BEGIN events returns the position at which the mouse is standing still, relative to the node on which the event handler was registered.

        For MOUSE_OVER_TEXT_END events returns null

      • getScenePosition

        public abstract javafx.geometry.Point2D getScenePosition()
      • getScreenPosition

        public abstract javafx.geometry.Point2D getScreenPosition()
      • getCharacterIndex

        public abstract int getCharacterIndex()
        Returns index of the character that the mouse stopped over if this event is a MOUSE_OVER_TEXT_BEGIN event and -1 if this event is a MOUSE_OVER_TEXT_END.