Class GenericEditableStyledDocument<PS,​SEG,​S>

  • Type Parameters:
    PS - type of style that can be applied to paragraphs (e.g. TextFlow.
    SEG - type of segment used in Paragraph. Can be only text (plain or styled) or a type that combines text and other Nodes via Either<String, Node>.
    S - type of style that can be applied to a segment.
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    EditableStyledDocument<PS,​SEG,​S>, StyledDocument<PS,​SEG,​S>, TwoDimensional

    public final class GenericEditableStyledDocument<PS,​SEG,​S>
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements EditableStyledDocument<PS,​SEG,​S>
    Provides a basic implementation of EditableStyledDocument while still allowing a developer to specify its generics. See SimpleEditableStyledDocument for a version that specifies its segment style to String.