Class Mat3f

  • public class Mat3f
    extends Object
    3x3 matrix class useful for simple linear algebra. Representation is (as Mat4f) in row major order and assumes multiplication by column vectors on the right.
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      private float[] data  
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      Creates new matrix initialized to the zero matrix
    • Field Detail

      • data

        private final float[] data
    • Constructor Detail

      • Mat3f

        public Mat3f()
        Creates new matrix initialized to the zero matrix
    • Method Detail

      • makeIdent

        public void makeIdent()
        Initialize to the identity matrix.
      • get

        public float get​(int i,
                         int j)
        Gets the (i,j)th element of this matrix, where i is the row index and j is the column index
      • set

        public void set​(int i,
                        int j,
                        float val)
        Sets the (i,j)th element of this matrix, where i is the row index and j is the column index
      • setCol

        public void setCol​(int i,
                           Vec3f v)
        Set column i (i=[0..2]) to vector v.
      • setRow

        public void setRow​(int i,
                           Vec3f v)
        Set row i (i=[0..2]) to vector v.
      • transpose

        public void transpose()
        Transpose this matrix in place.
      • determinant

        public float determinant()
        Return the determinant. Computed across the zeroth row.
      • invert

        public boolean invert()
        Full matrix inversion in place. If matrix is singular, returns false and matrix contents are untouched. If you know the matrix is orthonormal, you can call transpose() instead.
      • xformVec

        public void xformVec​(Vec3f src,
                             Vec3f dest)
        Multiply a 3D vector by this matrix. NOTE: src and dest must be different vectors.
      • mul

        public Mat3f mul​(Mat3f b)
        Returns this * b; creates new matrix
      • mul

        public void mul​(Mat3f a,
                        Mat3f b)
        this = a * b
      • toMatf

        public Matf toMatf()