Interface Transformer<K,L>

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractTransformer, ChunkingFilter.ChunkingDecoder, ChunkingFilter.ChunkingEncoder, ChunkingFilter.ChunkingTransformer, GZipDecoder, GZipEncoder, LZMADecoder, LZMAEncoder, SSLDecoderTransformer, SSLEncoderTransformer, StringDecoder, StringEncoder

public interface Transformer<K,L>
Transformer interface, which knows how to transform the original data to some custom representation. A Transformer implementation could be stateful or stateless. However it's very easy to write stateful Transformer, which actually doesn't save any state internally, but uses AttributeStorage as an external state storage. Please note, that AttributeStorage is being passed as the parameter to all Transformer methods. This way it's possible to reuse single instance of a stateful Transformer to process lots of concurrent transformations.
Alexey Stashok
  • Method Details

    • getName

      String getName()
      Get the Transformer name. The name is used to store Transformer associated data.
      The Transformer name.
    • transform

      TransformationResult<K,L> transform(AttributeStorage storage, K input) throws TransformationException
      Transforms an input data to some custom representation. Input and output are not passed implicitly, which means that Transformer is able to retrieve input and output from its internal state or from external storage (AttributeStorage).
      storage - the external state storage, where Transformer could get/put a state.
      input - data to transform
      the result TransformationResult
      TransformationException - if failed to transport i.e. invalid types
    • getLastResult

      TransformationResult<K,L> getLastResult(AttributeStorage storage)
      Gets the last returned Transformer result. Last result could be either retrieved from internal state, or external storage, which is passed as the parameter.
      storage - the external state storage, where Transformer could retrieve or store its state.
      the last returned Transformer result.
    • release

      void release(AttributeStorage storage)
      The Transformer has done its work and can release all associated resource.
      storage - the external state storage, where Transformer could retrieve or store its state.
    • hasInputRemaining

      boolean hasInputRemaining(AttributeStorage storage, K input)