Interface GrizzlyFuture<R>

    • Method Detail

      • addCompletionHandler

        void addCompletionHandler​(CompletionHandler<R> completionHandler)
        Adds a CompletionHandler, which will be notified once the asynchronous computation, represented by this Future, is complete.
        completionHandler - CompletionHandler
      • markForRecycle

        void markForRecycle​(boolean recycleResult)
        Mark GrizzlyFuture as recyclable, so once result will come - GrizzlyFuture object will be recycled and returned to a thread local object pool. You can consider to use this method, if you're not interested in using this GrizzlyFuture object.
        recycleResult - if true - the GrizzlyFuture result, if it support recyclable mechanism, will be also recycled together with this GrizzlyFuture object.
      • recycle

        void recycle​(boolean recycleResult)
        Recycle GrizzlyFuture now. This method could be used, if you're not interested in using this GrizzlyFuture object, and you're sure this object is not used by any other application part.
        recycleResult - if true - the GrizzlyFuture result, if it support recyclable mechanism, will be also recycled together with this GrizzlyFuture object.