Interface MessageCloner<E>

  • public interface MessageCloner<E>
    Cloner, which will be called by AsyncQueueWriter, when message could not be written directly, and will be added to the queue. Cloner may create a clone of original message and return it to the AsyncQueueWriter instead of original one. Using MessageCloner, developer has a chance to clone a message only in case, when it is really required.
    Alexey Stashok
    • Method Detail

      • clone

        E clone​(Connection connection,
                E originalMessage)
        Method will be called by AsyncQueueWriter, when message could not be written directly, and will be added to the queue. Cloner may create a clone of original message and return it to the AsyncQueueWriter instead of original one. Using MessageCloner, developer has a chance to clone a message only in case, when it is really required.
        connection - Connection, where the Buffer will be written.
        originalMessage - Buffer to be written.
        original Buffer or its clone to be added to asynchronous queue.