Class PooledMemoryManager

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    MemoryManager<Buffer>, WrapperAware, MonitoringAware<MemoryProbe>

    public class PooledMemoryManager
    extends Object
    implements MemoryManager<Buffer>, WrapperAware
    A MemoryManager implementation based on a series of shared memory pools. Each pool contains multiple buffers of the fixed length specific for this pool. There are several tuning options for this MemoryManager implementation.
    • The base size of the buffer for the 1st pool, every next pool n will have buffer size equal to bufferSize(n-1) * 2^growthFactor
    • The number of pools, responsible for allocation of buffers of a pool-specific size
    • The buffer size growth factor, that defines 2^x multiplier, used to calculate buffer size for next allocated pool
    • The number of pool slices that every pool will stripe allocation requests across
    • The percentage of the heap that this manager will use when populating the pools
    • The percentage of buffers to be pre-allocated during MemoryManager initialization
    • The flag indicating whether direct or heap based Buffers will be allocated
    If no explicit configuration is provided, the following defaults will be used: The main advantage of this manager over HeapMemoryManager or ByteBufferManager is that this implementation doesn't use ThreadLocal pools and as such, doesn't suffer from the memory fragmentation/reallocation cycle that can impact the ThreadLocal versions.
    • Constructor Detail

      • PooledMemoryManager

        public PooledMemoryManager()
        Creates a new PooledMemoryManager using the following defaults:
        • 4 KiB base buffer size
        • 3 pools
        • 2 growth factor, which means 1st pool will contain buffers of size 4KiB, the 2nd - 16KiB, the 3rd - 64KiB
        • Number of pool slices based on Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors()
        • The initial allocation will use 3% of the heap
        • The percentage of buffers to be pre-allocated during MemoryManager initialization
      • PooledMemoryManager

        public PooledMemoryManager​(boolean isDirect)
        Creates a new PooledMemoryManager using the specified parameters for configuration.
        isDirect - flag, indicating whether direct or heap based Buffers will be allocated
      • PooledMemoryManager

        public PooledMemoryManager​(int baseBufferSize,
                                   int numberOfPools,
                                   int growthFactor,
                                   int numberOfPoolSlices,
                                   float percentOfHeap,
                                   float percentPreallocated,
                                   boolean isDirect)
        Creates a new PooledMemoryManager using the specified parameters for configuration.
        baseBufferSize - the base size of the buffer for the 1st pool, every next pool n will have buffer size equal to bufferSize(n-1) * 2^growthFactor
        numberOfPools - the number of pools, responsible for allocation of buffers of a pool-specific size
        growthFactor - the buffer size growth factor, that defines 2^x multiplier, used to calculate buffer size for next allocated pool
        numberOfPoolSlices - the number of pool slices that every pool will stripe allocation requests across
        percentOfHeap - percentage of the heap that will be used when populating the pools
        percentPreallocated - percentage of buffers to be pre-allocated during MemoryManager initialization
        isDirect - flag, indicating whether direct or heap based Buffers will be allocated