Interface MonitoringConfig<E>

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface MonitoringConfig<E>
    General monitoring configuration interface.
    Alexey Stashok
    • Method Detail

      • addProbes

        void addProbes​(E... probes)
        Add the monitoring probes, which will be notified about object's lifecycle events.
        probes - the monitoring probes.
      • removeProbes

        boolean removeProbes​(E... probes)
        Remove the monitoring probes.
        probes - the monitoring probes.
      • getProbes

        E[] getProbes()
        Get the the monitoring probes, which are registered on the objet. Please note, it's not appropriate to modify the returned array's content. Please use addProbes(Object[]) and removeProbes(Object[]) instead.
        the the monitoring probes, which are registered on the object.
      • hasProbes

        boolean hasProbes()
      • clearProbes

        void clearProbes()
        Removes all the monitoring probes, which are registered on the object.
      • createManagementObject

        Object createManagementObject()
        Create the JMX Object, which represents this object.
        the JMX Object, which represents this object.