Interface ThreadLocalPool<E>

  • Type Parameters:
    E - Type of Buffer that will be created

    public interface ThreadLocalPool<E>
    A thread local pool used by a MemoryManager to create and modify Buffers
    See Also:
    Buffer, Buffer
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      E allocate​(int size)
      Creates a buffer with a given capacity and limit
      boolean hasRemaining()
      Whether there are elements between the current position and the end
      boolean isLastAllocated​(E oldBuffer)
      Whether the last element in the buffer has been set
      E reallocate​(E oldBuffer, int newSize)
      Creates a new Buffer with a set size and assigns it the data that was held in the old one as long as the given size is not smaller than the data held.
      E reduceLastAllocated​(E buffer)
      Reduces the buffer to the last data allocated
      boolean release​(E underlyingBuffer)
      deallocates the data in the buffer
      int remaining()
      Gets the number of elements between the current position and the limit
      void reset​(E pool)
      Resets the Buffer to empty values and empties the pool
      boolean wantReset​(int size)
      Checks if the size of the Buffer should be reset.
    • Method Detail

      • reset

        void reset​(E pool)
        Resets the Buffer to empty values and empties the pool
        pool - the buffer to reset
      • allocate

        E allocate​(int size)
        Creates a buffer with a given capacity and limit
        size - maximum number of elements
        the new buffer
        See Also:
      • reallocate

        E reallocate​(E oldBuffer,
                     int newSize)
        Creates a new Buffer with a set size and assigns it the data that was held in the old one as long as the given size is not smaller than the data held.
        oldBuffer - Old Buffer containing data
        newSize - The size the new Buffer should be.
        the new Buffer or null if the buffer could not be resized
      • release

        boolean release​(E underlyingBuffer)
        deallocates the data in the buffer
        underlyingBuffer - the buffer to release
        true if operation successfully completed, false otherwise
      • isLastAllocated

        boolean isLastAllocated​(E oldBuffer)
        Whether the last element in the buffer has been set
        oldBuffer - the buffer to check
        true if the end of the buffer has been allocated, false otherwise
      • reduceLastAllocated

        E reduceLastAllocated​(E buffer)
        Reduces the buffer to the last data allocated
        buffer -
        the old buffer data that was removed. This may be null.
      • wantReset

        boolean wantReset​(int size)
        Checks if the size of the Buffer should be reset.
        size - the desired size of the buffer. If this is less than the current size ofthe buffer then this will return false
        true if the the buffer should be enlarged to hold the desired size
      • remaining

        int remaining()
        Gets the number of elements between the current position and the limit
        number of elements
      • hasRemaining

        boolean hasRemaining()
        Whether there are elements between the current position and the end
        true if there are unused elements, false otherwise