Interface CompletionHandler<E>

Type Parameters:
E - the type of the result
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractStreamWriter.DisposeBufferCompletionHandler, CompletionHandlerAdapter, EmptyCompletionHandler, SSLStreamWriter.HandshakeCompletionHandler, TCPNIOServerConnection.RegisterAcceptedChannelCompletionHandler, TransformerInput.TransformerCompletionHandler, UDPNIOTransport.RegisterChannelCompletionHandler

public interface CompletionHandler<E>
Interface, which will be used by Grizzly to notify about asynchronous I/O operations status updates.
Alexey Stashok
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    The operation was cancelled.
    completed(E result)
    The operation was completed.
    failed(Throwable throwable)
    The operation was failed.
    updated(E result)
    The callback method may be called, when there is some progress in operation execution, but it is still not completed
  • Method Details

    • cancelled

      void cancelled()
      The operation was cancelled.
    • failed

      void failed(Throwable throwable)
      The operation was failed.
      throwable - error, which occurred during operation execution
    • completed

      void completed(E result)
      The operation was completed.
      result - the operation result Please note, for performance reasons the result object might be recycled after returning from the completed method. So it's not guaranteed that using of the result object is safe outside this method's scope.
    • updated

      void updated(E result)
      The callback method may be called, when there is some progress in operation execution, but it is still not completed
      result - the current result Please note, for performance reasons the result object might be recycled after returning from the updated method. So it's not guaranteed that using of the result object is safe outside this method's scope.