Class TransformationResult<I,O>

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class TransformationResult<I,O> extends Object implements Cacheable
Represents the result of message encoding/decoding.
Alexey Stashok
  • Constructor Details

    • TransformationResult

      public TransformationResult()
    • TransformationResult

      public TransformationResult(TransformationResult.Status status, O message, I externalRemainder)
    • TransformationResult

      public TransformationResult(int errorCode, String errorDescription)
      Creates error transformation result with specific code and description.
      errorCode - id of the error
      errorDescription - error description
    • TransformationResult

      protected TransformationResult(TransformationResult.Status status, O message, I externalRemainder, int errorCode, String errorDescription)
  • Method Details

    • createErrorResult

      public static <I, O> TransformationResult<I,O> createErrorResult(int errorCode, String errorDescription)
    • createCompletedResult

      public static <I, O> TransformationResult<I,O> createCompletedResult(O message, I externalRemainder)
    • createIncompletedResult

      public static <I, O> TransformationResult<I,O> createIncompletedResult(I externalRemainder)
    • getMessage

      public O getMessage()
    • setMessage

      public void setMessage(O message)
    • getExternalRemainder

      public I getExternalRemainder()
    • setExternalRemainder

      public void setExternalRemainder(I externalRemainder)
    • getStatus

      public TransformationResult.Status getStatus()
    • setStatus

      public void setStatus(TransformationResult.Status status)
    • getErrorCode

      public int getErrorCode()
    • setErrorCode

      public void setErrorCode(int errorCode)
    • getErrorDescription

      public String getErrorDescription()
    • setErrorDescription

      public void setErrorDescription(String errorDescription)
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • reset

      public void reset()
      If implementation uses ObjectPool to store and reuse TransformationResult instances - this method will be called before TransformationResult will be offered to pool.
    • recycle

      public void recycle()
      Recycle this Context
      Specified by:
      recycle in interface Cacheable