Class HttpResponsePacket

All Implemented Interfaces:
org.glassfish.grizzly.attributes.AttributeStorage, org.glassfish.grizzly.Cacheable, MimeHeadersPacket

public abstract class HttpResponsePacket extends HttpHeader
The HttpHeader object, which represents HTTP response message.
Alexey Stashok
See Also:
  • Field Details

    • httpStatus

      protected HttpStatus httpStatus
      Status code.
  • Constructor Details

    • HttpResponsePacket

      protected HttpResponsePacket()
  • Method Details

    • builder

      public static HttpResponsePacket.Builder builder(HttpRequestPacket request)
      Returns HttpResponsePacket builder.
    • getStatus

      public int getStatus()
      Gets the status code for this response.
      the status code for this response.
    • getHttpStatus

      public HttpStatus getHttpStatus()
      Gets the HTTP status for this response.
      the HTTP status for this response.
    • setStatus

      public void setStatus(int status)
      Sets the status code for this response.
      status - the status code for this response.
    • setStatus

      public void setStatus(HttpStatus status)
      Sets the status code for this response.
      status - the status for this response.
    • isAllowCustomReasonPhrase

      public final boolean isAllowCustomReasonPhrase()
      Returns true if custom status reason phrases are allowed for this response, or false otherwise.
      true if custom status reason phrases are allowed for this response, or false otherwise.
    • setAllowCustomReasonPhrase

      public final void setAllowCustomReasonPhrase(boolean allowCustomReasonPhrase)
      Sets if the custom status reason phrases are allowed for this response.
      allowCustomReasonPhrase - true if custom status reason phrases are allowed for this response, or false otherwise.
    • isHtmlEncodingCustomReasonPhrase

      public boolean isHtmlEncodingCustomReasonPhrase()
      Returns if we need to encode HTML sensitive characters in custom reason phrase.
    • setHtmlEncodingCustomReasonPhrase

      public void setHtmlEncodingCustomReasonPhrase(boolean isHtmlEncodingCustomReasonPhrase)
      Sets if we need to encode HTML sensitive characters in custom reason phrase.
    • getReasonPhraseRawDC

      public final DataChunk getReasonPhraseRawDC()
      Gets the custom status reason phrase for this response as DataChunk (avoid creation of a String object}.
      the status reason phrase for this response as DataChunk (avoid creation of a String object}.
    • getReasonPhraseDC

      public final DataChunk getReasonPhraseDC()
      Gets the status reason phrase for this response as DataChunk (avoid creation of a String object}. This implementation takes into consideration the isAllowCustomReasonPhrase() property - if the custom reason phrase is allowed and it's value is not null - then the returned result will be equal to getReasonPhraseRawDC(), otherwise if custom reason phrase is disallowed or its value is null - the default reason phrase for the HTTP response getStatus() will be returned.
      the status reason phrase for this response as DataChunk (avoid creation of a String object}.
    • getReasonPhrase

      public final String getReasonPhrase()
      Gets the status reason phrase for this response.
      the status reason phrase for this response.
    • setReasonPhrase

      public void setReasonPhrase(String message)
      Sets the status reason phrase for this response.
      message - the status reason phrase for this response.
    • setReasonPhrase

      public void setReasonPhrase(org.glassfish.grizzly.Buffer reason)
    • isCustomReasonPhraseSet

      public final boolean isCustomReasonPhraseSet()
    • getRequest

      public HttpRequestPacket getRequest()
      the request that triggered this response
    • isAcknowledgement

      public boolean isAcknowledgement()
      true if this response packet is intended as an acknowledgment to an expectation from a client request.
    • setAcknowledgement

      public void setAcknowledgement(boolean acknowledgement)
      Mark this packet as an acknowledgment to a client expectation.
      acknowledgement - true if this packet is an acknowledgment to a client expectation.
    • acknowledged

      public void acknowledged()
      Mark this packet as having been acknowledged.
    • reset

      protected void reset()
      Reset the internal state.
      reset in class HttpHeader
    • isRequest

      public final boolean isRequest()
      Returns true, if the current HttpHeader represent HTTP request message, or false otherwise.
      Specified by:
      isRequest in class HttpHeader
      true, if the current HttpHeader represent HTTP request message, or false otherwise.
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • getLocale

      public Locale getLocale()
      the Locale of this response.
    • setLocale

      public void setLocale(Locale locale)
      Called explicitly by user to set the Content-Language and the default encoding
    • getContentLanguage

      public String getContentLanguage()
      the value that will be used by the Content-Language response header
    • setContentLanguage

      public void setContentLanguage(String contentLanguage)
      Set the value that will be used by the Content-Language response header.
    • setContentLengthLong

      public void setContentLengthLong(long contentLength)
      Description copied from class: HttpHeader
      Set the content-length of this HttpPacket. Applicable only in case of fixed-length HTTP message.
      setContentLengthLong in class HttpHeader
      contentLength - the content-length of this HttpPacket. Applicable only in case of fixed-length HTTP message.
    • setRequest

      public void setRequest(HttpRequestPacket request)
      Associates the request that triggered this response.
      request - the request that triggered this response