Class KeepAlive

All Implemented Interfaces:

public final class KeepAlive extends Object implements org.glassfish.grizzly.monitoring.MonitoringAware<KeepAliveProbe>
Web container configuration for keep-alive HTTP connections.
Alexey Stashok
  • Field Details

    • monitoringConfig

      protected final org.glassfish.grizzly.monitoring.DefaultMonitoringConfig<KeepAliveProbe> monitoringConfig
      Keep alive probes
  • Constructor Details

    • KeepAlive

      public KeepAlive()
    • KeepAlive

      public KeepAlive(KeepAlive keepAlive)
      The copy constructor.
      keepAlive - the KeepAlive to copy
  • Method Details

    • getIdleTimeoutInSeconds

      public int getIdleTimeoutInSeconds()
      the number in seconds a connection may be idle before being timed out.
    • setIdleTimeoutInSeconds

      public void setIdleTimeoutInSeconds(int idleTimeoutInSeconds)

      Configures idle connection timeout behavior.

      idleTimeoutInSeconds - the number in seconds a connection may be idle before being timed out. Values less than zero are considered as FOREVER.
    • getMaxRequestsCount

      public int getMaxRequestsCount()
      the max number of HTTP requests allowed to be processed on one keep-alive connection.
    • setMaxRequestsCount

      public void setMaxRequestsCount(int maxRequestsCount)

      Configures the max number of HTTP requests allowed to be processed on one keep-alive connection.

      maxRequestsCount - the max number of HTTP requests allowed to be processed on one keep-alive connection. Values less than zero are considered as UNLIMITED.
    • getMonitoringConfig

      public org.glassfish.grizzly.monitoring.MonitoringConfig<KeepAliveProbe> getMonitoringConfig()
      Specified by:
      getMonitoringConfig in interface org.glassfish.grizzly.monitoring.MonitoringAware<KeepAliveProbe>
    • createJmxManagementObject

      protected Object createJmxManagementObject()
    • notifyProbesConnectionAccepted

      protected static void notifyProbesConnectionAccepted(KeepAlive keepAlive, org.glassfish.grizzly.Connection connection)
      Notify registered KeepAliveProbes about the "keep-alive connection accepted" event.
      keepAlive - the KeepAlive event occurred on.
      connection - Connection been accepted.
    • notifyProbesHit

      protected static void notifyProbesHit(KeepAlive keepAlive, org.glassfish.grizzly.Connection connection, int requestNumber)
      Notify registered KeepAliveProbes about the "keep-alive connection hit" event.
      keepAlive - the KeepAlive event occurred on.
      connection - Connection been hit.
      requestNumber - the request number being processed on the given Connection.
    • notifyProbesRefused

      protected static void notifyProbesRefused(KeepAlive keepAlive, org.glassfish.grizzly.Connection connection)
      Notify registered KeepAliveProbes about the "keep-alive connection refused" event.
      keepAlive - the KeepAlive event occurred on.
      connection - Connection been refused.
    • notifyProbesTimeout

      protected static void notifyProbesTimeout(KeepAlive keepAlive, org.glassfish.grizzly.Connection connection)
      Notify registered KeepAliveProbes about the "keep-alive connection timeout" event.
      keepAlive - the KeepAlive event occurred on.
      connection - Connection been timeout.