Class MimeHeaders


public class MimeHeaders extends Object
Memory-efficient repository for Mime Headers. When the object is recycled, it will keep the allocated headers[] and all the MimeHeaderField - no GC is generated. For input headers it is possible to use the DataChunk for Fields - so no GC will be generated. The only garbage is generated when using the String for header names/values - this can't be avoided when the servlet calls header methods, but is easy to avoid inside tomcat. The goal is to use _only_ DataChunk-based Fields, and reduce to 0 the memory overhead of tomcat. TODO: XXX one-buffer parsing - for HTTP ( other protocols don't need that ) XXX remove unused methods XXX External enumerations, with 0 GC. XXX use HeaderName ID
[email protected], James Todd [[email protected]], Costin Manolache, kevin seguin
  • Field Details


      public static final int MAX_NUM_HEADERS_UNBOUNDED
      See Also:

      public static final int MAX_NUM_HEADERS_DEFAULT
      See Also:

      public static final int DEFAULT_HEADER_SIZE
      Initial size - should be == average number of headers per request XXX make it configurable ( fine-tuning of web-apps )
      See Also:

      public static DataChunk NOOP_CHUNK
    • mark

      protected int mark
  • Constructor Details

    • MimeHeaders

      public MimeHeaders()
      Creates a new MimeHeaders object using a default buffer size.
  • Method Details

    • mark

      public void mark()
    • recycle

      public void recycle()
      Clears all header fields.
    • clear

      public void clear()
      Clears all header fields.
    • toString

      public String toString()
      EXPENSIVE!!! only for debugging.
      toString in class Object
    • copyFrom

      public void copyFrom(MimeHeaders source)
    • size

      public int size()
      Returns the current number of header fields.
    • trailerSize

      public int trailerSize()
    • getName

      public DataChunk getName(int n)
      Returns the Nth header name, or null if there is no such header. This may be used to iterate through all header fields.
    • getValue

      public DataChunk getValue(int n)
      Returns the Nth header value, or null if there is no such header. This may be used to iterate through all header fields.
    • isSerialized

      public boolean isSerialized(int n)
      Get the header's "serialized" flag.
      n - the header index
      the header's "serialized" flag value.
    • setSerialized

      public boolean setSerialized(int n, boolean newValue)
      Set the header's "serialized" flag.
      n - the header index
      newValue - the new value
      the old header "serialized" flag value.
    • indexOf

      public int indexOf(String name, int fromIndex)
      Find the index of a header with the given name.
    • indexOf

      public int indexOf(Header header, int fromIndex)
      Find the index of a header with the given name.
    • contains

      public boolean contains(Header header)
    • contains

      public boolean contains(String header)
    • names

      public Iterable<String> names()
      Returns an enumeration of strings representing the header field names. Field names may appear multiple times in this enumeration, indicating that multiple fields with that name exist in this header.
    • trailerNames

      public Iterable<String> trailerNames()
    • values

      public Iterable<String> values(String name)
    • values

      public Iterable<String> values(Header name)
    • trailerValues

      public Iterable<String> trailerValues(String name)
    • trailerValues

      public Iterable<String> trailerValues(Header name)
    • addValue

      public DataChunk addValue(String name)
      Create a new named header , return the MessageBytes container for the new value
    • addValue

      public DataChunk addValue(Header header)
      Create a new named header , return the MessageBytes container for the new value
    • addValue

      public DataChunk addValue(byte[] buffer, int startN, int len)
      Create a new named header using un-translated byte[]. The conversion to chars can be delayed until encoding is known.
    • addValue

      public DataChunk addValue(org.glassfish.grizzly.Buffer buffer, int startN, int len)
      Create a new named header using un-translated Buffer. The conversion to chars can be delayed until encoding is known.
    • setValue

      public DataChunk setValue(String name)
      Allow "set" operations - return a DataChunk container for the header value ( existing header or new if this .
    • setValue

      public DataChunk setValue(Header header)
      Allow "set" operations - return a DataChunk container for the header value ( existing header or new if this .
    • getValue

      public DataChunk getValue(String name)
      Finds and returns a header field with the given name. If no such field exists, null is returned. If more than one such field is in the header, an arbitrary one is returned.
    • getValue

      public DataChunk getValue(Header header)
      Finds and returns a header field with the given name. If no such field exists, null is returned. If more than one such field is in the header, an arbitrary one is returned.
    • getHeader

      public String getHeader(String name)
    • getHeader

      public String getHeader(Header header)
    • removeHeader

      public void removeHeader(String name)
      Removes a header field with the specified name. Does nothing if such a field could not be found.
      name - the name of the header field to be removed
    • removeHeader

      public void removeHeader(Header header)
    • removeHeader

      public void removeHeader(String name, String str)
      Removes the headers with the given name whose values contain the given string.
      name - The name of the headers to be removed
      str - The string to check the header values against
    • removeHeaderMatches

      public void removeHeaderMatches(String name, String regex)
      Removes the headers with the given name whose values contain the given string.
      name - The name of the headers to be removed
      regex - The regex string to check the header values against
    • removeHeaderMatches

      public void removeHeaderMatches(Header header, String regex)
      Removes the headers with the given name whose values contain the given string.
      header - The name of the Headers to be removed
      regex - The regex string to check the header values against
    • setMaxNumHeaders

      public void setMaxNumHeaders(int maxNumHeaders)
    • getMaxNumHeaders

      public int getMaxNumHeaders()