Interface Context<T>

Type Parameters:
T - This must be the type for which this is a context. For example, if your scope is SecureScope, then your context must implement Context<SecureScope>
All Known Implementing Classes:
ImmediateContext, InheritableThreadContext, PerThreadContext

@Contract public interface Context<T>
An implementation of this must be put into the system in order to create contextual instances of services. If there is more than one active implementation available for the same scope on the same thread a runtime exception will be thrown when the scope is accessed.

An implementation of Context must be in the Singleton scope

  • Method Details

    • getScope

      Class<? extends Annotation> getScope()
      The scope for which this is the context
      may not return null, must return the scope for which this is a context
    • findOrCreate

      <U> U findOrCreate(ActiveDescriptor<U> activeDescriptor, ServiceHandle<?> root)
      Creates a contextual instance of this ActiveDescriptor by calling its create method if there is no other matching contextual instance. If there is already a contextual instance it is returned. If parent is null then this must work like the find call
      activeDescriptor - The descriptor to use when creating instances
      root - The extended provider for the outermost parent being created
      A context instance. This value may NOT be null
    • containsKey

      boolean containsKey(ActiveDescriptor<?> descriptor)
      Determines if this context has a value for the given key
      descriptor - The descriptor to look for in this context
      true if this context has a value associated with this descriptor
    • destroyOne

      void destroyOne(ActiveDescriptor<?> descriptor)
      This method is called when ServiceHandle.destroy() method is called. It is up to the context implementation whether or not to honor this destruction request based on the lifecycle requirements of the context
      descriptor - A non-null descriptor upon which ServiceHandle.destroy() has been called
    • supportsNullCreation

      boolean supportsNullCreation()
      Returns true if the findOrCreate method can return null
      true if null is a legal value from the findOrCreate method
    • isActive

      boolean isActive()
      True if this context is active, false otherwise
      true if this context is active, false otherwise
    • shutdown

      void shutdown()
      Shut down this context.