Package org.glassfish.hk2.api

package org.glassfish.hk2.api
  • Class
    An ActiveDescriptor contains information about a Descriptor after it has been reified.
    Supports inline instantiation of annotation type instances.
    This interface is implemented by all services that use the AOP Alliance Interceptor feature of HK2.
    When HK2 automatically analyzes a class to find the constructor, fields, initializer methods and postConstruct and preDestroy methods it uses this service to analyze the class.
    An implementation of this must be put into the system in order to create contextual instances of services.
    This annotation is put on annotations that are used to mark things as hk2 contracts.
    Indicates that a method should be customized.
    Gives the type (and optional name) of a customizer service to use when an unknown method on a bean interface is encountered.
    A Descriptor is a bean-like structure that describes a service declaration in HK2.
    Implementations of this interface allow the customization of how hk2 inhabitant files are found.
    Returns information about the InputStream returned by DescriptorFileFinder.findDescriptorFiles() that can be used to give better information when one of the streams fails.
    This describes the type of descriptor
    This enumeration determines how visibility of a descriptor
    This exception is thrown when an idempotent filter of a DynamicConfiguration object matches an existing descriptor in the ServiceLocator
    This class is used to add Descriptors to a ServiceLocator instance.
    A service that listens for dynamic configuration changes.
    The dynamic configuration service is the source of DynamicConfiguration instances, which can be used to bind and unbind entities into the system
    This class has information in it about the error that has occurred
    This interface should be implemented by those who wish to be notified of error conditions that occur within HK2.
    This enumeration describes the types of errors that might occur
    This interface should be implemented in order to provide a factory for another type.
    This is a convenience class that links together the factory descriptor as a factory for another type and the factory as a service itself.
    This object is used to search for items in the service registry
    Base class for HK2 defined checked exceptions
    This is an interface that is also implemented by the MethodInvocation object passed to the invoke method of MethodInterceptor and the ConstructorInvocation object passed to the invoke method of ConstructorInterceptor.
    This class is responsible for loading classes, and different implementations can be used for different descriptors.
    Base class for HK2 defined runtime exceptions
    Immediate is a scope that operates like Singleton scope, except that instances are created as soon as their corresponding Descriptors are added.
    This service is advertised when the Immediate service is put into the registry.
    This filter can be used to limit the set of Descriptors passed to the matches method.
    InheritableThread is a scope that operates like PerThread scope, except with the caveat that InheritableThread scoped services provide inheritance of values from parent thread to child thread.
    An Injectee represents the point of injection.
    This annotation is placed on another annotation to indicate that the annotation may be used to indicate an injection point
    This class allows users to provide a custom injection target for any annotation (including @Inject).
    This object contains information about a lifecycle event.
    This describes the type of lifecycle events that can happen in the system
    This processor is called for certain events in the lifecycle of instances of services.
    Contains information about the caller of a Factory.provide() method
    This service is used to get information about the creation of a service from an implementation of Factory.
    This service is implemented in order to configure interceptors on methods or constructors provided by hk2 services.
    This object can be injected rather than Provider when it is desired to iterate over more than one returned instance of the type.
    The JustInTimeInjectionResolver is called when an injection point cannot find anything to inject.
    This annotation marks a method of an annotation as providing a value that should be placed into the metadata of a Descriptor.
    This is used to describe the values to be given to the method in the ServiceLocator.assistedInject(Object, java.lang.reflect.Method, MethodParameter...) method
    This exception can contain multiple other exceptions.
    This defines the operations that may be validated
    PerLookup is the scope for objects that are created every time they are looked up.
    PerThread is a scope that operates like Singleton scope, except on a per-thread basis.
    Implementations of this interface are used to populate HK2 service locators from inhabitants files
    This interface allows the customization of services read in from an external source.
    Classes implementing this interface register an interest in being notified when the instance has been created and the component is about to be place into commission.
    Components implementing this interface registers an interest in being notified when they are about to be decommissioned.
    Scope annotations that are also marked with this annotation are proxiable.
    Every proxy generated by HK2 will implement this interface, which can be used to have finer control on the behavior of the proxy
    This annotation is used when automatically analyzing a class or a {link Factory.provide() method to indicate that the descriptor either should or should use a proxy when being injected into a service from the same scope.
    This annotation is used to provide the initial rank of a service marked with Service.
    This annotation is placed on an injection point that is to be injected with the ActiveDescriptor that was used to create the instance.
    This service handle can be used to get a specific instance of a service, and can be used to destroy that service as well
    ServiceLocator is the registry for HK2 services
    This factory can be used to create new named ServiceLocators
    Tells the create method what to do if an existing ServiceLocator with the given name exists
    This is added to the ServiceLocatorFactory in order to listen on service locators coming and going.
    The possible states in which a service locator can be in.
    This cache can be used in some circumstances when there can be only one of a service.
    Implementations of this interface can be added to a DynamicConfiguration in order to atomically participate in the changes being made to the ServiceLocator.
    Supports inline instantiation of objects that represent parameterized types with actual type parameters.
    This annotation must go on a scope annotation in order to indicate that no services from this scope may be proxied.
    An injection point can be annotated with @Unqualified if it should only be injected with services that have no qualifiers at all
    This exception will be found in a MultiException when a class has a dependency that should be satisfied but cannot be.
    This annotation is used when automatically analyzing a class or a {link Factory.provide() method to indicate that the descriptor either should or should not use a proxy.
    This object contains information about the validation point.
    This service can be used to add validation points to Descriptors.
    This method is called when it determined that a type that is annotated with a Validating annotation is to be injected into any other class.
    This annotation is used when automatically analyzing a class or a {link Factory.provide() method to indicate that the descriptor either should or should not have LOCAL visibility.