Class CPropertyInfo

    • Field Detail

      • locator

        public final Locator locator
      • baseType

        public JType baseType
        If the base type of the property is overriden, this field is set to non-null.
      • javadoc

        public String javadoc
        Javadoc for this property. Must not be null.
      • inlineBinaryData

        public boolean inlineBinaryData
        Property annotated with XmlInlineBinaryData.
      • realization

        public FieldRenderer realization
        Specifies how the field is generated by the backend.
      • defaultValue

        public CDefaultValue defaultValue
        If non-null, keeps the default value in Java representation. If isCollection is true, this field is always null, for we don't handle default values for a list.
    • Method Detail

      • getLocator

        public Locator getLocator()
        Description copied from interface: CCustomizable
        Gets the source location in the schema from which this model component is created.
        Specified by:
        getLocator in interface CCustomizable
        never null.
      • getSchemaComponent

        public final XSComponent getSchemaComponent()
        If this model object is built from XML Schema, this property returns a schema component from which the model is built.
        Specified by:
        getSchemaComponent in interface CCustomizable
        null if the model is built from sources other than XML Schema (such as DTD.)
      • getName

        public String getName()
        marked as deprecated so that we can spot the use of this method.
        Name of the property.

        This method is implemented to follow the contract of , and therefore it always returns the name of the annotated field.

        This name is normally not useful for the rest of XJC, which usually wants to access the "public name" of the property. A "public name" of the property is a name like "FooBar" which is used as a seed for generating the accessor methods. This is the name controlled by the schema customization via users.

        If the caller is calling this method statically, it's usually the sign of a mistake. Use getName(boolean) method instead, which forces you to think about which name you want to get.

        Specified by:
        getName in interface PropertyInfo<NType,​NClass>
        See Also:
      • getName

        public String getName​(boolean isPublic)
        Gets the name of the property.
        isPublic - if true, this method returns a name like "FooBar", which should be used as a seed for generating user-visible names (such as accessors like "getFooBar".)

        if false, this method returns the "name of the property" as defined in the j2s side of the spec. This name is usually something like "fooBar", which often corresponds to the XML element/attribute name of this property (for taking advantage of annotation defaulting as much as possible)

      • setName

        public void setName​(boolean isPublic,
                            String newName)
        Overrides the name of the property. This method can be used from Plugin.postProcessModel(Model, ErrorHandler). But the caller should do so with the understanding that this is inherently dangerous method.
      • isUnboxable

        public boolean isUnboxable()
        Returns true if this property is "unboxable".

        In general, a property often has to be capable of representing null to indicate the absence of the value. This requires properties to be generated as @XmlElement Float f, not as @XmlElement float f;. But this is slow.

        Fortunately, there are cases where we know that the property can never legally be absent. When this condition holds we can generate the optimized "unboxed form".

        The exact such conditions depend on the kind of properties, so refer to the implementation code for the details.

        This method returns true when the property can be generated as "unboxed form", false otherwise.

        When this property is a collection, this method returns true if items in the collection is unboxable. Obviously, the collection itself is always a reference type.

      • isOptionalPrimitive

        public boolean isOptionalPrimitive()
        Returns true if this property needs to represent null just for the purpose of representing an absence of the property.
      • accept

        public abstract <R,​P> R accept​(CPropertyVisitor2<R,​P> visitor,
                                             P p)
      • needsExplicitTypeName

        protected static boolean needsExplicitTypeName​(TypeUse type,
                                                       QName typeName)
        Checks if the given TypeUse would need an explicit XmlSchemaType annotation with the given type name.
      • collectElementNames

        public QName collectElementNames​(Map<QName,​CPropertyInfo> table)
        Puts the element names that this property possesses to the map, so that we can find two properties that own the same element name, which is an error.
        null if no conflict was found. Otherwise return the QName that has the collision.