Class BindInfo

    • Field Detail

      • empty

        public static final BindInfo empty
        An instance with the empty contents.
      • bindingFileSchema

        public static final SchemaCache bindingFileSchema
        Lazily parsed schema for the binding file.
    • Constructor Detail

      • BindInfo

        public BindInfo()
        Default constructor.
    • Method Detail

      • isPointless

        public boolean isPointless()
        Returns true if this doesn't contain any useful information. This flag is used to discard unused s early to save memory footprint.
      • getSourceLocation

        public Locator getSourceLocation()
        Gets the location of this annotation in the source file.
        If the declarations are in fact specified in the source code, a non-null valid object will be returned. If this BindInfo is generated internally by XJC, then null will be returned.
      • setOwner

        public void setOwner​(BGMBuilder _builder,
                             XSComponent _owner)
        Sets the owner schema component and a reference to BGMBuilder. This method is called from the BGMBuilder before any BIDeclaration inside it is used.
      • getBuilder

        public BGMBuilder getBuilder()
        Back pointer to the BGMBuilder which is building a BGM from schema components including this customization.
      • addDecl

        public void addDecl​(BIDeclaration decl)
        Adds a new declaration.
      • get

        public <T extends BIDeclaration> T get​(Class<T> kind)
        Gets the first declaration with a given name, or null if none is found.
      • getDecls

        public BIDeclaration[] getDecls()
        Gets all the declarations
      • getDocumentation

        public String getDocumentation()
        Gets the documentation parsed from <xs:documentation>s. The returned collection is to be added to JDocComment.append(Object).
        maybe null.
      • absorb

        public void absorb​(BindInfo bi)
        Merges all the declarations inside the given BindInfo to this BindInfo.
      • size

        public int size()
        Gets the number of declarations.
      • toCustomizationList

        public CCustomizations toCustomizationList()
        Gets the list of CPluginCustomizations from this.

        Note that calling this method marks all those plug-in customizations as 'used'. So call it only when it's really necessary.

      • getCustomizationContext

        public static jakarta.xml.bind.JAXBContext getCustomizationContext()
      • getCustomizationUnmarshaller

        public static jakarta.xml.bind.Unmarshaller getCustomizationUnmarshaller()