Interface Stage.Builder<DATA>

  • Type Parameters:
    DATA - processed data type.
    Enclosing interface:

    public static interface Stage.Builder<DATA>
    Linear stage chain builder.
    • Method Detail

      • to

        Stage.Builder<DATA> to​(Function<DATA,​DATA> transformation)
        Add a transformation function as a next stage to the stage chain.

        The order of the to(...) method invocations matches the order of the stage execution at runtime.

        transformation - a transformation function to be added as a next stage to the stage chain.
        updated builder instance.
      • to

        Stage.Builder<DATA> to​(ChainableStage<DATA> stage)
        Add a new chainable stage as a next stage to the stage chain.

        The order of the to(...) method invocations matches the order of the stage execution at runtime. A subsequent call to a to(...) method will automatically invoke the ChainableStage.setDefaultNext(Stage) method on the chainable stage.

        stage - a chainable stage to be added as a next stage to the stage chain.
        updated builder instance.
      • build

        Stage<DATA> build()
        Build a stage chain.
        built acceptor chain.
      • build

        Stage<DATA> build​(Stage<DATA> terminal)
        Add a terminal stage to the stage chain and build the chain.
        terminal - last stage to be added to the stage chain.
        built stage chain.