Class MatchingEntityTag

  • public class MatchingEntityTag
    extends EntityTag
    A matching entity tag.

    Note that this type and it's super type cannot be used to create request header values for If-Match and If-None-Match of the form If-Match: * or If-None-Match: * as * is not a valid entity tag.

    Paul Sandoz, Marek Potociar
    • Field Detail

      • ANY_MATCH

        public static final Set<MatchingEntityTag> ANY_MATCH
        An empty set that corresponds to If-Match: * or If-None-Match: *.
    • Constructor Detail

      • MatchingEntityTag

        public MatchingEntityTag​(String value)
        Create new strongly validating entity tag.
        value - ETag header value.
      • MatchingEntityTag

        public MatchingEntityTag​(String value,
                                 boolean weak)
        Create new matching entity tag.
        value - ETag header value.
        weak - should be set to false, if strong validation is required, otherwise should be set to true.
    • Method Detail

      • valueOf

        public static MatchingEntityTag valueOf​(HttpHeaderReader reader)
                                         throws ParseException
        Create new matching entity tag out of provided header reader.
        reader - HTTP header content reader.
        a new matching entity tag.
        ParseException - in case the header could not be parsed.