Class AbstractFeatureConfigurator<T>

    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractFeatureConfigurator

        protected AbstractFeatureConfigurator​(Class contract,
                                              RuntimeType runtimeType)
        Create a new configurator.
        contract - contract of the service providers bound by this binder.
        runtimeType - runtime (client or server) where the service finder binder is used.
    • Method Detail

      • loadImplementations

        protected List<Class<T>> loadImplementations​(Map<String,​Object> applicationProperties,
                                                     ClassLoader loader)
        Specification specific implementation which allows find classes by specified classloader
        applicationProperties - map of properties to check if search is allowed
        loader - specific classloader (must not be NULL)
        list of found classes
      • registerFeatures

        protected void registerFeatures​(Collection<Class<T>> features,
                                        BootstrapBag bootstrapBag)
        Allows feature registration as part of autoDiscoverables list
        features - list of features to be registered
        bootstrapBag - place where features are being registered