Class Invocable

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Parameterized, ResourceModelComponent

    public final class Invocable
    extends Object
    implements Parameterized, ResourceModelComponent
    A common interface for invocable resource components. This includes resource methods, sub-resource methods and sub-resource locators bound to a concrete handler class and a Java method (either directly or indirectly) declared & implemented by the handler class.

    Invocable component information is used at runtime by a Java method dispatcher when processing requests.

    Class defines two kinds of java methods: definition method and handling method. Definition method is the java Method that is defined by the user to be executed. This can be java Method of the class but also method of the interface. If it is the method of the interface (method handler class is the class but method itself is from the interface) then the definition method is the method from the inherited class. In other words, the handling method is the concrete method but definition method can be its parent abstract definition. However, in most cases these methods are the same.

    Marek Potociar
    See Also:
    ResourceMethod, ResourceMethodDispatcher
    • Method Detail

      • create

        public static <T> Invocable create​(Inflector<Request,​T> inflector)
        Create a new resource method invocable model backed by an inflector instance.
        inflector - inflector processing the request method.
      • create

        public static Invocable create​(Class<? extends Inflector> inflectorClass)
        Create a new resource method invocable model backed by an inflector class.
        inflectorClass - inflector syb-type processing the request method.
      • create

        public static Invocable create​(MethodHandler handler,
                                       Method handlingMethod)
        Create a new resource method invocable model. Parameter values will be automatically decoded.
        handler - resource method handler.
        handlingMethod - handling Java method.
      • create

        public static Invocable create​(MethodHandler handler,
                                       Method definitionMethod,
                                       boolean encodedParameters)
        Create a new resource method invocable model.
        handler - resource method handler.
        definitionMethod - method that is defined to be executed on the handler.
        encodedParameters - true if the automatic parameter decoding should be disabled, false otherwise.
      • create

        public static Invocable create​(MethodHandler handler,
                                       Method definitionMethod,
                                       Method handlingMethod,
                                       boolean encodedParameters)
        Create a new resource method invocable model.
        handler - resource method handler.
        definitionMethod - method that is defined to be executed on the handler.
        handlingMethod - specific and concrete method to be actually executed as a resource method. If null then the definitionMethod will be used.
        encodedParameters - true if the automatic parameter decoding should be disabled, false otherwise.
      • create

        public static Invocable create​(MethodHandler handler,
                                       Method definitionMethod,
                                       Method handlingMethod,
                                       boolean encodedParameters,
                                       Type routingResponseType)
        Create a new resource method invocable model.
        handler - resource method handler.
        definitionMethod - method that is defined to be executed on the handler.
        handlingMethod - specific and concrete method to be actually executed as a resource method. If null then the definitionMethod will be used.
        encodedParameters - true if the automatic parameter decoding should be disabled, false otherwise.
        routingResponseType - response type that will be used during the routing for purpose of selection of the resource method to be executed. If this parameter is non-null then it will override the return type of the the Java handling method) for purposes of resource method selection. This might be useful in cases when resource method returns a type A but thanks to registered providers (eg. WriterInterceptor) it will be always converted to type B. Then the method selecting algorithm would check presence of MessageBodyWriter for type A (which will never be actually needed) and might result in choosing undesired method. If the parameter is null then the default response type will be used.
      • getHandler

        public MethodHandler getHandler()
        Get the model of the resource method handler that will be used to invoke the handling resource method on.
        resource method handler model.
      • getHandlingMethod

        public Method getHandlingMethod()
        Getter for the Java method
        corresponding Java method
      • getDefinitionMethod

        public Method getDefinitionMethod()
        Getter for the Java method that should be executed.
        corresponding Java method.
      • getResponseType

        public Type getResponseType()
        Get the resource method generic response type information.

        The returned value provides the Type information that contains additional generic declaration information for generic Java class types.

        resource method generic response type information.
      • getRawResponseType

        public Class<?> getRawResponseType()
        Get the resource method raw response type.

        The returned value provides information about the raw Java class.

        resource method raw response type information.
      • isInflector

        public boolean isInflector()
        Check if the invocable represents an inflector processing method.
        true, if this invocable represents an inflector invocation, false otherwise.
      • requiresEntity

        public boolean requiresEntity()
        Description copied from interface: Parameterized
        Provides information on presence of an entity parameter.
        Specified by:
        requiresEntity in interface Parameterized
        true if entity parameter is present, false otherwise
      • getParameters

        public List<Parameter> getParameters()
        Description copied from interface: Parameterized
        Provides access to all parameters associated with given Parameterized instance.
        Specified by:
        getParameters in interface Parameterized
        list of actual parameters
      • getRoutingResponseType

        public Type getRoutingResponseType()
        Get the response type of the handlingMethod that will be used during the routing for the purpose of selection of the resource method. Returned value is in most cases equal to the response type. If returned value is different then it overrides the response type for purposes of resource method selection and will be used to look for available message body writers.
        Response type used for the routing.
      • getRawRoutingResponseType

        public Class<?> getRawRoutingResponseType()
        Get the response Class of the handlingMethod that will be used during the routing for the purpose of selection of the resource method. Returned value is in most cases equal to the response type. If returned value is different then it overrides the response type for purposes of resource method selection and will be used to look for available message body writers.
        Response type used for the routing.