Class ResolvedViewable<T>

Type Parameters:
T - the type of the resolved template object.

public final class ResolvedViewable<T> extends Viewable
A resolved viewable.

A resolved viewable is obtained from the resolving methods on ViewableContext and has associated with it a TemplateProcessor that is capable of processing a template identified by a template reference.

Paul Sandoz, Michal Gajdos
  • Constructor Details

    • ResolvedViewable

      public ResolvedViewable(TemplateProcessor<T> viewProcessor, T templateReference, Viewable viewable, MediaType mediaType)
      Create a resolved viewable.
      viewProcessor - the view processor that resolved a template name to a template reference.
      templateReference - the template reference.
      viewable - the viewable that is resolved.
      mediaType - media type the templateReference should be transformed into.
    • ResolvedViewable

      public ResolvedViewable(TemplateProcessor<T> viewProcessor, T templateReference, Viewable viewable, Class<?> resolvingClass, MediaType mediaType)
      Create a resolved viewable.
      viewProcessor - the view processor that resolved a template name to a template reference.
      templateReference - the template reference.
      viewable - the viewable that is resolved.
      resolvingClass - the resolving class that was used to resolve a relative template name into an absolute template name.
      mediaType - media type the templateReference should be transformed into.
  • Method Details