Class ProgressStatusBase

    • Constructor Detail

      • ProgressStatusBase

        protected ProgressStatusBase​(ProgressStatusBase parent,
                                     String id)
        Construct unnamed ProgressStatus
        parent - Parent ProgressStatus
        id - Is useful for event transfer
      • ProgressStatusBase

        protected ProgressStatusBase​(String name,
                                     ProgressStatusBase parent,
                                     String id)
        Construct named ProgressStatus.
        name - of the ProgressStatus implementation is used to identify source of progress messages.
        parent - Parent ProgressStatus
        id - Is useful for event transfer
      • ProgressStatusBase

        protected ProgressStatusBase​(String name,
                                     int totalStepCount,
                                     ProgressStatusBase parent,
                                     String id)
        Construct named ProgressStatus with defined expected count of steps.
        name - of the ProgressStatus implementation is used to identify source of progress messages.
        totalStepCount - How many steps are expected in this ProgressStatus
        parent - Parent ProgressStatus
        id - Is useful for event transfer
    • Method Detail

      • setTotalStepCount

        public void setTotalStepCount​(int totalStepCount)
        Description copied from interface: ProgressStatus
        Number of steps necessary to complete the operation. Value is used to determine percentage of work completed. This method can be used to override the totalStepCount if it was established via the org.glassfish.api.Progress annotation. The total step count is used as the denominator for computing the completion percentage as reported in the command's progress output: percent complete = current step count / total step count * 100 Note the above formula is a bit more complex when child ProgressStatus objects are in use.

        The total step count can be changed after being set but may result in the completion percentage jumping (forward or backwards).

        If the total step count is not set then a completion percentage will not be available.

        It can be also set during injection using totalStepCount parameter in org.glassfish.api.Progress annotation.

        Specified by:
        setTotalStepCount in interface ProgressStatus
        totalStepCount - non-negative value defines denominator for the percentage computation
      • getTotalStepCount

        public int getTotalStepCount()
        Description copied from interface: ProgressStatus
        Total step count. Used for computing the completion percentage.
        Specified by:
        getTotalStepCount in interface ProgressStatus
        total step count. Negative for undefined value.
      • getRemainingStepCount

        public int getRemainingStepCount()
        Description copied from interface: ProgressStatus
        Remaining count of steps to complete this progress.
        totalStepCount - currentStepCount - allocated step count
        Specified by:
        getRemainingStepCount in interface ProgressStatus
        negative value for undefined totalStepCount. 0 value for completed progress.
      • progress

        public void progress​(int steps,
                             String message,
                             boolean spinner)
        Description copied from interface: ProgressStatus
        Indicates progress occurred. The steps taken will be used to reduce the remaining step count. If the number of steps taken exceeds the total step count the current step count will be normalized to the total step count. This avoids the completion percentage ever exceeding 100%. The message will be sent to the client along with the completion percentage if it can be computed.
        Specified by:
        progress in interface ProgressStatus
        steps - the number of steps taken. Negative steps will reduce the completion percentage. Never to non-negative value.
        message - to be displayed by the client.
        spinner - true starts showing the spinner. It will be active until next progress.
      • progress

        public void progress​(int steps,
                             String message)
        Description copied from interface: ProgressStatus
        Indicates progress occurred. The steps taken will be used to reduce the remaining step count. If the number of steps taken exceeds the total step count the current step count will be normalized to the total step count. This avoids the completion percentage ever exceeding 100%. The message will be sent to the client along with the completion percentage if it can be computed.
        Specified by:
        progress in interface ProgressStatus
        steps - the number of steps taken. Negative steps will reduce the completion percentage. Never to non-negative value.
        message - to be displayed by the client.
      • progress

        public void progress​(int steps)
        Description copied from interface: ProgressStatus
        Indicate progress occurred. The existing (prior) progress message, if available will be reused. If the number of steps taken exceeds the total step count the current step count will be normalized to the total step count. This avoids the completion percentage ever exceeding 100%.
        Specified by:
        progress in interface ProgressStatus
        steps - the number of steps taken. Negative steps will reduce the completion percentage. Never to non-negative value.
      • progress

        public void progress​(String message)
        Description copied from interface: ProgressStatus
        Indicate progress occurred. The completion percentage (if computable) will be displayed.
        Specified by:
        progress in interface ProgressStatus
        message - to be displayed by the client.
      • setCurrentStepCount

        public void setCurrentStepCount​(int stepCount)
        Description copied from interface: ProgressStatus
        This allows the current step count to be changed to a specific value, for example when an error occurs and the command must repeat a set of operations.
        This will likely result in the overall completion percentage jumping when the next progress() message is generated. If child ProgressStatus objects exist care must be taken when changing the step count value to account for steps allocated to children. Generally the current step count should not be advanced beyond the number of steps allocated to child ProgressStatus objects.
        Specified by:
        setCurrentStepCount in interface ProgressStatus
        stepCount - new stepCount value. Negative is normalized to 0 greater than the total step count is normalized to the total step count
      • complete

        public void complete​(String message)
        Description copied from interface: ProgressStatus
        Indicates the command is complete and no further progress status will be delivered. Subsequent invocations of progress() will be ignored. This method also invokes complete() on all child ProgressStatus objects. If this method is not invoked prior to the command completing the CLI framework will implicitly invoke complete() for the ProgressStatus associated with the command.
        Specified by:
        complete in interface ProgressStatus
        message - to be displayed to the user.
      • completeSilently

        protected boolean completeSilently()
        Complete this ProgressStatus and all sub-ProgressStatuses but does not fire event to parent statuses.
      • complete

        public void complete()
        Description copied from interface: ProgressStatus
        Indicates the command is complete and no further progress status will be delivered. Subsequent invocations of progress() will be ignored. This method also invokes complete() on all child ProgressStatus objects. If this method is not invoked prior to the command completing the CLI framework will implicitly invoke complete() for the ProgressStatus associated with the command.
        Specified by:
        complete in interface ProgressStatus
      • isComplete

        public boolean isComplete()
        Description copied from interface: ProgressStatus
        Returns true if the ProgressStatus has been marked as complete via the complete() method.
        Specified by:
        isComplete in interface ProgressStatus
        if this progress was completed
      • allocateStapsForChildProcess

        protected void allocateStapsForChildProcess​(int allocatedSteps)
      • createChild

        public ProgressStatus createChild​(String name,
                                          int allocatedSteps,
                                          int totalStepCount)
      • createChild

        public ProgressStatus createChild​(String name,
                                          int allocatedSteps)
        Description copied from interface: ProgressStatus
        Create a child ProgressStatus object which can be used independently by a command's subroutine or sub-commands.
        The name allocated to the child is used in the progress status output:

             80%: [parent name:[child name: message]]

        The allocatedSteps parameter represents the subset of steps from the parent's allocation that will be given to the child to complete. When the child has completed all its steps it will have progressed the parent's allocated steps.

        Example: Suppose the parent sets its TotalStepCount to 100 and allocates 25 steps to a child. The child sets its TotalStepCount to 100. Then for every 4 steps the child progresses it will move the parent's progress 1 step given the parent only allocated a total of 25 steps to the child but the child has a total step count of 100: 100/25 = 4 child steps are equivalent to 1 parent step. Note: care must be taken when allocating steps to children. The number of steps allocated to all children of the parent must not exceed the parent's total step count. Doing so may results in erroneous completion percentages.

        Specified by:
        createChild in interface ProgressStatus
        name - to be associated with the child ProgressStatus. This name appears in the progress sent to the client. If the name is an empty string a name for this child will not be included in the message.
        allocatedSteps - the number of progress steps the parent is allocating to the child.
      • createChild

        public ProgressStatus createChild​(int allocatedSteps)
        Description copied from interface: ProgressStatus
        Create a child ProgressStatus object which can be used independently by a command's subroutine or sub-commands.
        This version does not take a name and therefor a child name will not be use in any messages generated from this ProgressStatus object.

             80%: [parent name: message]

        Specified by:
        createChild in interface ProgressStatus
        allocatedSteps - the number of progress steps the parent is allocating to the child.
      • getCurrentStepCount

        public int getCurrentStepCount()
      • computeCompleteSteps

        protected float computeCompleteSteps()
      • computeCompletePortion

        public float computeCompletePortion()
      • computeSumSteps

        public int computeSumSteps()
      • getId

        public String getId()
        Description copied from interface: ProgressStatus
        Id is unique for any ProgressStatuses. It is mainly used for remote communication.
        Specified by:
        getId in interface ProgressStatus
      • getName

        public String getName()