Interface PipelineAssembler

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface PipelineAssembler
    Creates a pipeline.

    This pluggability layer enables the upper layer to control exactly how the pipeline is composed.

    JAX-WS is going to have its own default implementation when used all by itself, but it can be substituted by other implementations.

    See PipelineAssemblerFactory for how PipelineAssemblers are located.

    TODO: the JAX-WS team felt that no Pipe should be relying on the SEIModel, so it is no longer given to the assembler. Talk to us if you need it.

    Kohsuke Kawaguchi
    See Also:
    • Method Detail

      • createClient

        Pipe createClient​(@NotNull
                          ClientPipeAssemblerContext context)
        Creates a new pipeline for clients.

        When a JAX-WS client creates a proxy or a Dispatch from a Service, JAX-WS runtime internally uses this method to create a new pipeline as a part of the initilization.

        context - Object that captures various contextual information that can be used to determine the pipeline to be assembled.
        non-null freshly created pipeline.
        Throws: - if there's any configuration error that prevents the pipeline from being constructed. This exception will be propagated into the application, so it must have a descriptive error.
      • createServer

        Pipe createServer​(@NotNull
                          ServerPipeAssemblerContext context)
        Creates a new pipeline for servers.

        When a JAX-WS server deploys a new endpoint, it internally uses this method to create a new pipeline as a part of the initialization.

        Note that this method is called only once to set up a 'master pipeline', and it gets copied from it.

        context - Object that captures various contextual information that can be used to determine the pipeline to be assembled.
        non-null freshly created pipeline.
        Throws: - if there's any configuration error that prevents the pipeline from being constructed. This exception will be propagated into the container, so it must have a descriptive error.