Class Communicator

  • public final class Communicator
    extends Object
    Transmits standalone protocol messages over the wire. Provides also some additional utility methods for creating and unmarshalling JAXWS Message and Header objects. WARNING: This class is a private utility class used by WS-RX implementation. Any usage outside the intended scope is strongly discouraged. The API exposed by this class may be changed, replaced or removed without any advance notice.
    Marek Potociar (marek.potociar at
    • Field Detail

      • soapMustUnderstandAttributeName

        public final QName soapMustUnderstandAttributeName
    • Method Detail

      • createRequestPacket

        public final Packet createRequestPacket​(Object jaxbElement,
                                                String wsaAction,
                                                boolean expectReply)
      • createRequestPacket

        public final Packet createRequestPacket​(Message message,
                                                String wsaAction,
                                                boolean expectReply)
      • createRequestPacket

        public final Packet createRequestPacket​(Packet originalRequestPacket,
                                                Object jaxbElement,
                                                String wsaAction,
                                                boolean expectReply)
      • createEmptyRequestPacket

        public Packet createEmptyRequestPacket​(boolean expectReply)
        Creates a new empty request packet
        a new empty request packet
      • createEmptyRequestPacket

        public Packet createEmptyRequestPacket​(String requestWsaAction,
                                               boolean expectReply)
        Creates a new empty request packet with an empty message that has WS-A action set
        a new empty request packet
      • createResponsePacket

        public Packet createResponsePacket​(@NotNull
                                           Packet requestPacket,
                                           Object jaxbElement,
                                           String responseWsaAction,
                                           boolean isClientResponse)
        Creates new response packet based for the supplied request packet with the provided response WS-Addressing action set.
        requestPacket - original request the newly created response belongs to
        responseWsaAction - WS-Addressing action header value to be set
        isClientResponse - determines whether the response is technically a client request
        newly created response packet
      • createResponsePacket

        public Packet createResponsePacket​(Packet requestPacket,
                                           Message message,
                                           String responseWsaAction)
        Creates new response packet based for the supplied request packet with the provided response WS-Addressing action set.
        requestPacket - original request the newly created response belongs to
        responseWsaAction - WS-Addressing action header value to be set
        newly created response packet
      • createEmptyResponsePacket

        public Packet createEmptyResponsePacket​(Packet requestPacket,
                                                String responseWsaAction)
        Creates an empty (no SOAP body payload) new response packet based for the supplied request packet with the provided response WS-Addressing action set.
        requestPacket - original request the newly created response belongs to
        responseWsaAction - WS-Addressing action header value to be set
        newly created empty (no SOAP body payload) response packet
      • createNullResponsePacket

        public Packet createNullResponsePacket​(Packet requestPacket)
        Creates a null (no message) response packet based for the supplied request packet.
        requestPacket - original request the newly created response belongs to
        newly created null (no message) response packet
      • setEmptyRequestMessage

        public final Packet setEmptyRequestMessage​(Packet request,
                                                   String wsaAction)
        Creates a new JAX-WS Message object that doesn't have any payload and sets it as the current packet content as a request message.
        wsaAction - WS-Addressing action header to set
        the updated Packet instance
      • setEmptyResponseMessage

        public final Packet setEmptyResponseMessage​(Packet response,
                                                    Packet request,
                                                    String wsaAction)
        Overwrites the Message of the response packet with a newly created empty Message instance. Unlike Packet.setMessage(Message), this method fills in the Message's WS-Addressing headers correctly, based on the provided request packet WS-Addressing headers.
        request -
        wsaAction -
      • getWsaAction

        public String getWsaAction​(Packet packet)
        Returns the value of WS-Addressing Action header of a message stored in the Packet.
        packet - JAX-WS RI packet
        Value of WS-Addressing Action header, null if the header is not present
      • getWsaTo

        public String getWsaTo​(Packet packet)
        Returns the value of WS-Addressing To header of a message stored in the Packet.
        packet - JAX-WS RI packet
        Value of WS-Addressing To header, null if the header is not present
      • tryStartSecureConversation

        public SecurityTokenReferenceType tryStartSecureConversation​(Packet request)
                                                              throws WSTrustException
        If security is enabled, tries to initate secured conversation and obtain the security token reference.
        security token reference of the initiated secured conversation, or null if there is no SC configured
      • send

        public Packet send​(@NotNull
                           Packet request)
        Sends the request Packet and returns the corresponding response Packet. This method should be used for Req-Res MEP
        request - Packet containing the message to be send
        response Message wrapped in a response Packet received
      • sendAsync

        public void sendAsync​(@NotNull
                              Packet request,
                              Fiber.CompletionCallback completionCallbackHandler)
        Asynchronously sends the request Packet
        request - Packet containing the message to be send
        completionCallbackHandler - completion callback handler to process the response. May be null. In such case a generic completion callback handler will be used.
      • getDestinationAddress

        public EndpointAddress getDestinationAddress()
        Provides the destination endpoint reference this Communicator is pointing to. May return null (typically when used on the server side).
        destination endpoint reference or null in case the destination address has not been specified when constructing this Communicator instance.
      • setDestinationAddress

        public void setDestinationAddress​(EndpointAddress newValue)
      • setDestinationAddressFrom

        public void setDestinationAddressFrom​(Packet packet)
      • close

        public void close()
      • isClosed

        public boolean isClosed()
      • getContainer

        public Component getContainer()