Class IndentingXMLEventWriter

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Indentation, XMLEventConsumer, XMLEventWriter

    public class IndentingXMLEventWriter
    extends EventWriterDelegate
    implements Indentation
    A filter that indents an XML stream. To apply it, construct a filter that contains another XMLEventWriter, which you pass to the constructor. Then call methods of the filter instead of the contained stream. For example:
     XMLEventWriter stream = ...
     stream = new IndentingXMLEventWriter(stream);

    The filter inserts characters to format the document as an outline, with nested elements indented. Basically, it inserts a line break and whitespace before:

    • each DTD, processing instruction or comment that's not preceded by data
    • each starting tag that's not preceded by data
    • each ending tag that's preceded by nested elements but not data
    This works well with 'data-oriented' XML, wherein each element contains either data or nested elements but not both. It can work badly with other styles of XML. For example, the data in a 'mixed content' document are apt to be polluted with indentation characters.

    Indentation can be adjusted by setting the newLine and indent properties. But set them to whitespace only, for best results. Non-whitespace is apt to cause problems, for example when this class attempts to insert newLine before the root element.

    Kohsuke Kawaguchi, John Kristian
    • Constructor Detail

      • IndentingXMLEventWriter

        public IndentingXMLEventWriter​(XMLEventWriter out)
    • Method Detail

      • getIndent

        public String getIndent()
        Description copied from interface: Indentation
        The characters used for one level of indentation.
        Specified by:
        getIndent in interface Indentation
      • beforeMarkup

        protected void beforeMarkup()
        Prepare to write markup, by writing a new line and indentation.
      • afterMarkup

        protected void afterMarkup()
        Note that markup or indentation was written.
      • afterData

        protected void afterData()
        Note that data were written.
      • beforeStartElement

        protected void beforeStartElement()
        Prepare to start an element, by allocating stack space.
      • afterStartElement

        protected void afterStartElement()
        Note that an element was started.
      • beforeEndElement

        protected void beforeEndElement()
        Prepare to end an element, by writing a new line and indentation.
      • afterEndElement

        protected void afterEndElement()
        Note that an element was ended.
      • afterEndDocument

        protected void afterEndDocument()
        Note that a document was ended.