Class XMLStreamBuffer

Direct Known Subclasses:
MutableXMLStreamBuffer, XMLStreamBufferMark

public abstract class XMLStreamBuffer extends Object
An immutable stream-based buffer of an XML infoset.

A XMLStreamBuffer is an abstract class. It is immutable with respect to the methods on the class, which are non-modifying in terms of state.

A XMLStreamBuffer can be processed using specific SAX and StAX-based processors. Utility methods on XMLStreamBuffer are provided for such functionality that utilize SAX and StAX-based processors. The same instance of a XMLStreamBuffer may be processed multiple times and concurrently by more than one processor.

There are two concrete implementations of XMLStreamBuffer. The first, MutableXMLStreamBuffer, can be instantiated for the creation of a buffer using SAX and StAX-based creators, and from which may be processed as an XMLStreamBuffer. The second, XMLStreamBufferMark, can be instantiated to mark into an existing buffer that is being created or processed. This allows a subtree of XMLStreamBuffer to be treated as its own XMLStreamBuffer.

A XMLStreamBuffer can represent a complete XML infoset or a subtree of an XML infoset. It is also capable of representing a "forest", where the buffer represents multiple adjacent XML elements, although in this mode there are restrictions about how you can consume such forest, because not all XML APIs handle forests very well.

  • Field Details

    • _inscopeNamespaces

      protected Map<String,String> _inscopeNamespaces
      In scope namespaces on a fragment
    • _hasInternedStrings

      protected boolean _hasInternedStrings
      True if the buffer was created from a parser that interns Strings as specified by the SAX interning features
    • _structure

      protected FragmentedArray<byte[]> _structure
      Fragmented array to hold structural information
    • _structurePtr

      protected int _structurePtr
    • _structureStrings

      protected FragmentedArray<String[]> _structureStrings
      Fragmented array to hold structural information as strings
    • _structureStringsPtr

      protected int _structureStringsPtr
    • _contentCharactersBuffer

      protected FragmentedArray<char[]> _contentCharactersBuffer
      Fragmented array to hold content information in a shared char[]
    • _contentCharactersBufferPtr

      protected int _contentCharactersBufferPtr
    • _contentObjects

      protected FragmentedArray<Object[]> _contentObjects
      Fragmented array to hold content information as objects
    • _contentObjectsPtr

      protected int _contentObjectsPtr
    • treeCount

      protected int treeCount
      Number of trees in this stream buffer.

      1 if there's only one, which is the normal case. When the buffer holds a forest, this value is greater than 1. If the buffer is empty, then 0.

      Notice that we cannot infer this value by looking at the FragmentedArrays, because this XMLStreamBuffer maybe a view of a portion of another bigger XMLStreamBuffer.

    • systemId

      protected String systemId
      The system identifier associated with the buffer
  • Constructor Details

    • XMLStreamBuffer

      protected XMLStreamBuffer()
  • Method Details