Class JAXBContextImpl


public final class JAXBContextImpl extends JAXBRIContext
This class provides the implementation of JAXBContext.
  • Field Details

    • beanInfos

      protected Map<RuntimeTypeInfo,JaxBeanInfo> beanInfos
      All created JaxBeanInfos. Updated from each JaxBeanInfos constructors to avoid infinite recursion for a cyclic reference.

      This map is only used while the JAXBContextImpl is built and set to null to avoid keeping references too long.

    • marshallerPool

      public final Pool<javax.xml.bind.Marshaller> marshallerPool
      Pool of Marshallers.
    • unmarshallerPool

      public final Pool<javax.xml.bind.Unmarshaller> unmarshallerPool
    • nameBuilder

      public NameBuilder nameBuilder
      Used to assign indices to known names in this grammar. Reset to null once the build phase is completed.
    • nameList

      public final NameList nameList
      Keeps the list of known names. This field is set once the build pahse is completed.
    • c14nSupport

      protected final boolean c14nSupport
      true to reorder attributes lexicographically in preparation of the c14n support.
    • xmlAccessorFactorySupport

      public final boolean xmlAccessorFactorySupport
      Flag that user has provided a custom AccessorFactory for JAXB to use
    • allNillable

      public final boolean allNillable
      See Also:
    • retainPropertyInfo

      public final boolean retainPropertyInfo
      Store properties, so that they can be recovered in the run (is here because of JSON encoding of Jersey).
    • supressAccessorWarnings

      public final boolean supressAccessorWarnings
      Suppress reflection accessor warnings.
    • improvedXsiTypeHandling

      public final boolean improvedXsiTypeHandling
      Improved xsi type handling.
    • disableSecurityProcessing

      public final boolean disableSecurityProcessing
      Disable security processing.
    • fastBoot

      public final boolean fastBoot
      If true, we aim for faster JAXBContext instantiation performance, instead of going after efficient sustained unmarshalling/marshalling performance.
    • backupWithParentNamespace

      public Boolean backupWithParentNamespace
      If true, despite the specification, unmarshall child element with parent namespace, if child namespace is not specified. The default value is null for System {code}com.sun.xml.bind.backupWithParentNamespace{code} property to be used, and false is assumed if it's not set either. Boolean
    • maxErrorsCount

      public final int maxErrorsCount
      The maximum number of errors unmarshall operation reports. Use negative value to report all errors. The default value is 10.
  • Method Details

    • getXmlNsSet

      public Set<javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlNs> getXmlNsSet()
      Returns declared XmlNs annotations (from package-level annotation XmlSchema
      set of all present XmlNs annotations
    • hasSwaRef

      public boolean hasSwaRef()
      True if this JAXBContext has XmlAttachmentRef.
      Specified by:
      hasSwaRef in class JAXBRIContext
    • getRuntimeTypeInfoSet

      public RuntimeTypeInfoSet getRuntimeTypeInfoSet()
      Description copied from class: JAXBRIContext
      Allows you to access the runtime model information of the JAXB XML/Java binding.

      This is useful for doing a deeper integration with the JAXB RI. For more information about the model, see

      Specified by:
      getRuntimeTypeInfoSet in class JAXBRIContext
    • getTypeInfoSet

      public RuntimeTypeInfoSet getTypeInfoSet() throws IllegalAnnotationsException
    • getElement

      public ElementBeanInfoImpl getElement(Class scope, QName name)
    • getOrCreate

      protected JaxBeanInfo getOrCreate(RuntimeEnumLeafInfo eli)
    • getOrCreate

      protected ClassBeanInfoImpl getOrCreate(RuntimeClassInfo ci)
    • getOrCreate

      protected JaxBeanInfo getOrCreate(RuntimeArrayInfo ai)
    • getOrCreate

      public JaxBeanInfo getOrCreate(RuntimeTypeInfo e)
    • getBeanInfo

      public final JaxBeanInfo getBeanInfo(Object o)
      Gets the JaxBeanInfo object that can handle the given JAXB-bound object.

      This method traverses the base classes of the given object.

      null if c isn't a JAXB-bound class and fatal==false.
    • getBeanInfo

      public final JaxBeanInfo getBeanInfo(Object o, boolean fatal) throws javax.xml.bind.JAXBException
      Gets the JaxBeanInfo object that can handle the given JAXB-bound object.
      fatal - if true, the failure to look up will throw an exception. Otherwise it will just return null.
    • getBeanInfo

      public final <T> JaxBeanInfo<T> getBeanInfo(Class<T> clazz)
      Gets the JaxBeanInfo object that can handle the given JAXB-bound class.

      This method doesn't look for base classes.

      null if c isn't a JAXB-bound class and fatal==false.
    • getBeanInfo

      public final <T> JaxBeanInfo<T> getBeanInfo(Class<T> clazz, boolean fatal) throws javax.xml.bind.JAXBException
      Gets the JaxBeanInfo object that can handle the given JAXB-bound class.
      fatal - if true, the failure to look up will throw an exception. Otherwise it will just return null.
    • selectRootLoader

      public final Loader selectRootLoader(UnmarshallingContext.State state, TagName tag)
      Based on the tag name, determine what object to unmarshal, and then set a new object and its loader to the current unmarshaller state.
      null if the given name pair is not recognized.
    • getGlobalType

      public JaxBeanInfo getGlobalType(QName name)
      Gets the JaxBeanInfo for the given named XML Schema type.
      null if the type name is not recognized. For schema languages other than XML Schema, this method always returns null.
    • getNearestTypeName

      public String getNearestTypeName(QName name)
      Finds a type name that this context recognizes which is "closest" to the given type name.

      This method is used for error recovery.

    • getValidRootNames

      public Set<QName> getValidRootNames()
      Returns the set of valid root tag names. For diagnostic use.
    • getUTF8NameTable

      public Encoded[] getUTF8NameTable()
    • getNumberOfLocalNames

      public int getNumberOfLocalNames()
    • getNumberOfElementNames

      public int getNumberOfElementNames()
    • getNumberOfAttributeNames

      public int getNumberOfAttributeNames()
    • createTransformerHandler

      public static TransformerHandler createTransformerHandler(boolean disableSecureProcessing)
      Creates a new identity transformer.
    • createMarshaller

      public MarshallerImpl createMarshaller()
      Specified by:
      createMarshaller in class javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext
    • createUnmarshaller

      public UnmarshallerImpl createUnmarshaller()
      Specified by:
      createUnmarshaller in class javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext
    • createValidator

      public javax.xml.bind.Validator createValidator()
      Specified by:
      createValidator in class javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext
    • createJAXBIntrospector

      public javax.xml.bind.JAXBIntrospector createJAXBIntrospector()
      createJAXBIntrospector in class javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext
    • generateEpisode

      public void generateEpisode(Result output)
      Description copied from class: JAXBRIContext
      Generates the episode file that represents the binding known to this JAXBContext, so that XJC can later do separate compilation.

      Episode file is really just a JAXB customization file, except that currently we use the RI-specific SCD to refer to schema components.

      Specified by:
      generateEpisode in class JAXBRIContext
      output - This receives the generated episode file.
    • generateSchema

      public void generateSchema(javax.xml.bind.SchemaOutputResolver outputResolver) throws IOException
      Description copied from class: JAXBRIContext
      Generates the schema documents from the model.

      The caller can use the additionalElementDecls parameter to add element declarations to the generate schema. For example, if the JAX-RPC passes in the following entry: {foo}bar -> DeclaredType for java.lang.String then JAXB generates the following element declaration (in the schema document for the namespace "foo")" <xs:element name="bar" type="xs:string" /> This can be used for generating schema components necessary for WSDL.

      Specified by:
      generateSchema in class JAXBRIContext
      outputResolver - this object controls the output to which schemas will be sent.
      IOException - if SchemaOutputResolver throws an IOException.
    • getTypeName

      public QName getTypeName(TypeReference tr)
      Description copied from class: JAXBRIContext
      Returns the name of the XML Type bound to the specified Java type.
      Specified by:
      getTypeName in class JAXBRIContext
      tr - must not be null. This must be one of the TypeReferences specified in the JAXBRIContext.newInstance(java.lang.Class[], java.util.Collection<com.sun.xml.bind.api.TypeReference>, java.util.Map<java.lang.Class, java.lang.Class>, java.lang.String, boolean, com.sun.xml.bind.v2.model.annotation.RuntimeAnnotationReader) method.
      null if the referenced type is an anonymous and therefore doesn't have a name.
    • createBinder

      public <T> javax.xml.bind.Binder<T> createBinder(Class<T> domType)
      createBinder in class javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext
    • createBinder

      public javax.xml.bind.Binder<Node> createBinder()
      createBinder in class javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext
    • getElementName

      public QName getElementName(Object o) throws javax.xml.bind.JAXBException
      Description copied from class: JAXBRIContext
      If the given object is bound to an element in XML by JAXB, returns the element name.
      Specified by:
      getElementName in class JAXBRIContext
      null if the object is not bound to an element.
      javax.xml.bind.JAXBException - if the object is not known to this context.
    • getElementName

      public QName getElementName(Class o) throws javax.xml.bind.JAXBException
      Description copied from class: JAXBRIContext
      Allows to retrieve the element name based on Class.
      Specified by:
      getElementName in class JAXBRIContext
    • createBridge

      public Bridge createBridge(TypeReference ref)
      Description copied from class: JAXBRIContext
      Creates a mini-marshaller/unmarshaller that can process a TypeReference.
      Specified by:
      createBridge in class JAXBRIContext
      null if the specified reference is not given to JAXBRIContext.newInstance(java.lang.Class[], java.util.Collection<com.sun.xml.bind.api.TypeReference>, java.util.Map<java.lang.Class, java.lang.Class>, java.lang.String, boolean, com.sun.xml.bind.v2.model.annotation.RuntimeAnnotationReader).
    • createBridgeContext

      @NotNull public BridgeContext createBridgeContext()
      Description copied from class: JAXBRIContext
      Creates a new BridgeContext instance.
      Specified by:
      createBridgeContext in class JAXBRIContext
      always a valid non-null instance.
    • getElementPropertyAccessor

      public RawAccessor getElementPropertyAccessor(Class wrapperBean, String nsUri, String localName) throws javax.xml.bind.JAXBException
      Description copied from class: JAXBRIContext
      Gets a RawAccessor for the specified element property of the specified wrapper bean class.

      This method is designed to assist the JAX-RPC RI fill in a wrapper bean (in the doc/lit/wrap mode.) In the said mode, a wrapper bean is supposed to only have properties that match elements, and for each element that appear in the content model there's one property.

      Therefore, this method takes a wrapper bean and a tag name that identifies a property on the given wrapper bean, then returns a RawAccessor that allows the caller to set/get a value from the property of the bean.

      This method is not designed for a performance. The caller is expected to cache the result.

      Specified by:
      getElementPropertyAccessor in class JAXBRIContext
      always return non-null valid accessor object.
      javax.xml.bind.JAXBException - if the specified wrapper bean is not bound by JAXB, or if it doesn't have an element property of the given name.
    • getKnownNamespaceURIs

      public List<String> getKnownNamespaceURIs()
      Description copied from class: JAXBRIContext
      Gets the namespace URIs statically known to this JAXBContext.

      When JAXB is used to marshal into sub-trees, it declares these namespace URIs at each top-level element that it marshals. To avoid repeated namespace declarations at sub-elements, the application may declare those namespaces at a higher level.

      Specified by:
      getKnownNamespaceURIs in class JAXBRIContext
      always non-null.
    • getBuildId

      public String getBuildId()
      Description copied from class: JAXBRIContext
      Gets the build information of the JAXB runtime.
      Specified by:
      getBuildId in class JAXBRIContext
      may be null, if the runtime is loaded by a class loader that doesn't support the access to the manifest informatino.
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • getXMIMEContentType

      public String getXMIMEContentType(Object o)
      Gets the value of the xmime:contentType attribute on the given object, or null if for some reason it couldn't be found, including any error.
    • createAugmented

      public JAXBContextImpl createAugmented(Class<?> clazz) throws javax.xml.bind.JAXBException
      Creates a JAXBContextImpl that includes the specified additional classes.