Interface XMLWriter

All Known Implementing Classes:
FastInfosetWriter, PrettyPrintingXMLWriterImpl, StAXWriter, XmlTreeWriter, XMLWriterBase, XMLWriterImpl

public interface XMLWriter

The XMLWriter interface is used to write XML documents.

Concrete XMLWriters can be created using a XMLWriterFactory.

JAX-RPC Development Team
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • startElement

      void startElement(QName name)
      Write the start tag for an element.
    • startElement

      void startElement(QName name, String prefix)
      Write the start tag for an element.
    • startElement

      void startElement(String localName)
      Write the start tag for an element.
    • startElement

      void startElement(String localName, String uri)
      Write the start tag for an element.
    • startElement

      void startElement(String localName, String uri, String prefix)
      Write the start tag for an element.
    • writeAttribute

      void writeAttribute(QName name, String value)
      Write an attribute of the current element.
    • writeAttribute

      void writeAttribute(String localName, String value)
      Write an attribute of the current element.
    • writeAttribute

      void writeAttribute(String localName, String uri, String value)
      Write an attribute of the current element.
    • writeAttributeUnquoted

      void writeAttributeUnquoted(QName name, String value)
      Write an attribute (unquoted) of the current element.
    • writeAttributeUnquoted

      void writeAttributeUnquoted(String localName, String value)
      Write an attribute (unquoted) of the current element.
    • writeAttributeUnquoted

      void writeAttributeUnquoted(String localName, String uri, String value)
      Write an attribute (unquoted) of the current element.
    • writeNamespaceDeclaration

      void writeNamespaceDeclaration(String prefix, String uri)
      Write a namespace declaration of the current element.
    • writeNamespaceDeclaration

      void writeNamespaceDeclaration(String uri)
      Write a namespace declaration of the current element. The prefix name will be generated by the PrefixFactory currently configured for this writer.
    • writeChars

      void writeChars(String chars)
      Write character data within an element.
    • writeChars

      void writeChars(CDATA chars)
      Write character data within an element.
    • writeCharsUnquoted

      void writeCharsUnquoted(String chars)
      Write character data within an element, skipping quoting.
    • writeCharsUnquoted

      void writeCharsUnquoted(char[] buf, int offset, int len)
      Write character data within an element, skipping quoting.
    • writeComment

      void writeComment(String comment)
      Write a comment within an element.
    • endElement

      void endElement()
      Write the end tag for the current element.
    • getPrefixFactory

      PrefixFactory getPrefixFactory()
      Return the prefix factory in use by this writer.
    • setPrefixFactory

      void setPrefixFactory(PrefixFactory factory)
      Set the prefix factory to be used by this writer.
    • getURI

      String getURI(String prefix)
      Return the URI for a given prefix. If the prefix is undeclared, return null.
    • getPrefix

      String getPrefix(String uri)
      Return a prefix for the given URI.

      If no prefix for the given URI is in scope, return null.

    • flush

      void flush()
      Flush the writer and its underlying stream.
    • close

      void close()
      Close the writer and its underlying stream.