Class XMLWriterFactory

Direct Known Subclasses:
FastInfosetWriterFactoryImpl, PrettyPrintingXMLWriterFactoryImpl, XMLWriterFactoryImpl

public abstract class XMLWriterFactory extends Object

Define a factory API to enable pluggable XMLWriter implementations.

JAX-RPC Development Team
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • XMLWriterFactory

      protected XMLWriterFactory()
  • Method Details

    • newInstance

      public static XMLWriterFactory newInstance()
      Obtain an instance of a factory. Since factories are stateless, only one copy of a factory exists and is returned to the application each time this method is called. The implementation class to be used can be overridden by setting the com.sun.xml.rpc.streaming.XMLWriterFactory system property.
    • createXMLWriter

      public abstract XMLWriter createXMLWriter(OutputStream stream)
      Obtain an XMLWriter on the given OutputStream using the default encoding and XML declaration settings.
    • createXMLWriter

      public abstract XMLWriter createXMLWriter(OutputStream stream, String encoding)
      Obtain an XMLWriter on the given OutputStream using the given encoding and the default XML declaration settings.
    • createXMLWriter

      public abstract XMLWriter createXMLWriter(OutputStream stream, String encoding, boolean declare)
      Obtain an XMLWriter on the given OutputStream using the given encoding and the given XML declaration settings.