Class ServerSchemaValidationTube

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Pipe, Tube

    public class ServerSchemaValidationTube
    extends AbstractSchemaValidationTube
    Tube that does the schema validation on the server side.
    Jitendra Kotamraju
    • Method Detail

      • processRequest

        public NextAction processRequest​(Packet request)
        Description copied from class: AbstractFilterTubeImpl
        Default no-op implementation.
        Specified by:
        processRequest in interface Tube
        processRequest in class AbstractFilterTubeImpl
        request - The packet that represents a request message. If the packet has a non-null message, it must be a valid unconsumed Message. This message represents the SOAP message to be sent as a request.

        The packet is also allowed to carry no message, which indicates that this is an output-only request. (that's called "solicit", right? - KK)

        A NextAction object that represents the next action to be taken by the JAX-WS runtime.
      • processResponse

        public NextAction processResponse​(Packet response)
        Description copied from class: AbstractFilterTubeImpl
        Default no-op implementation.
        Specified by:
        processResponse in interface Tube
        processResponse in class AbstractFilterTubeImpl
        response - If the packet has a non-null message, it must be a valid unconsumed Message. This message represents a response to the request message passed to Tube.processRequest(Packet) earlier.

        The packet is also allowed to carry no message, which indicates that there was no response. This is used for things like one-way message and/or one-way transports. TODO: exception handling semantics need more discussion

        A NextAction object that represents the next action to be taken by the JAX-WS runtime.
      • copy

        public AbstractTubeImpl copy​(TubeCloner cloner)
        Description copied from interface: Tube
        Creates an identical clone of this Tube.

        This method creates an identical pipeline that can be used concurrently with this pipeline. When the caller of a pipeline is multi-threaded and need concurrent use of the same pipeline, it can do so by creating copies through this method.

        Implementation Note

        It is the implementation's responsibility to call TubeCloner.add(Tube,Tube) to register the copied pipe with the original. This is required before you start copying the other Tube references you have, or else there's a risk of infinite recursion.

        For most Tube implementations that delegate to another Tube, this method requires that you also copy the Tube that you delegate to.

        For limited number of Tubes that do not maintain any thread unsafe resource, it is allowed to simply return this from this method (notice that even if you are stateless, if you got a delegating Tube and that one isn't stateless, you still have to copy yourself.)

        Note that this method might be invoked by one thread while another thread is executing the other process method. See the Codec.copy() for more discussion about this.

        Specified by:
        copy in interface Tube
        Specified by:
        copy in class AbstractTubeImpl
        cloner - Use this object (in particular its TubeCloner.copy(Tube) method to clone other pipe references you have in your pipe. See TubeCloner for more discussion about why.
        always non-null Tube.