Class ServerAdapter

    • Method Detail

      • getName

        public String getName()
        Gets the name of the endpoint as given in the sun-jaxws.xml deployment descriptor.
      • getAddress

        public URI getAddress()
        Description copied from interface: BoundEndpoint
        The address of the bound endpoint.

        For example, if this endpoint is bound to a servlet endpoint "http://foobar/myapp/myservice", then this method should return that address.

        Specified by:
        getAddress in interface BoundEndpoint
        address of the endpoint
      • getAddress

        public URI getAddress​(String baseAddress)
        Description copied from interface: BoundEndpoint
        The address of the bound endpoint using the base address. Often times, baseAddress is only avaialble during the request.

        If the endpoint is bound to a servlet endpoint, the base address won't include the url-pattern, so the base address would be "http://host:port/context". This method would include url-pattern for the endpoint and return that address for e.g. "http://host:port/context/url-pattern"

        Specified by:
        getAddress in interface BoundEndpoint
        baseAddress - that is used in computing the full address
        address of the endpoint
      • dispose

        public void dispose()
      • getUrlPattern

        public String getUrlPattern()