Interface PolicyAssertionCreator

All Known Implementing Classes:
AddressingPolicyAssertionCreator, AtAssertionCreator, ManagementAssertionCreator, McAssertionCreator, RmAssertionCreator, SCClientConfigAssertionCreator, SCServerConfigAssertionCreator, SecurityPolicyAssertionCreator, TrustClientConfigAssertionCreator, TrustPolicyAssertionCreator, TrustServerConfigAssertionCreator, WSSClientConfigAssertionCreator, WSSServerConfigAssertionCreator

public interface PolicyAssertionCreator
The interface defines contract for custom (domain specific) policy assertion factories. The implementations are discovered using service provider mechanism described in the J2SE JAR File Specification.
Every implementation of policy assertion creator is expected to fully handle the creation of assertions for the domain (namespace) it claims to support by returning the namespace string from the {link #getSupportedDomainNamespaceUri()} method. To handle creation of domain-specific assertions that are not intended to be customized, the default policy assertion creator (passed as one of the input parameters into the createAssertion(AssertionData, Collection, AssertionSet, PolicyAssertionCreator) method) shall be used.
Marek Potociar
  • Method Details

    • getSupportedDomainNamespaceURIs

      String[] getSupportedDomainNamespaceURIs()
      This method returns the namespace URIs of the domains that are supported by the implementation of this inteface. There can be multiple URIs supported per single implementation.
      Supporting domain namespace URI means that particular PolicyAssertionCreator implementation is able to create assertion instances for the domains identified by the namespace URIs returned from this method. It is required that each PolicyAssertionCreator implementation handles the policy assertion creation for each assertion in every domain it claims to support.
      string array representing the namespace URIs of the supported domains. It is expected that multiple calls on this method return the same value each time. Returned string array must be neither null nor empty. Also each string value in the array must not be null nor empty.
    • createAssertion

      PolicyAssertion createAssertion(AssertionData data, Collection<PolicyAssertion> assertionParameters, AssertionSet nestedAlternative, PolicyAssertionCreator defaultCreator) throws AssertionCreationException
      Creates domain-specific policy assertion instance according to assertion data provided. For the provided assertion data and this policy assertion creator instance, it will allways be true that assertion namespace URI equals to one of supported domain namespace URIs.
      Additional method parameter (which must not be null) supplied by the policy framework specifies a default policy assertion creator that might be used to handle creation of unsupported domain assertion in the default way. This is to give policy assertion creator a chance to handle also creation of "unsupported" domain assertions and to encourage implemetors to use class composition instad of class inheritance.
      data - assertion creation data specifying the details of newly created assertion
      assertionParameters - collection of assertions parameters of this policy assertion. May be null.
      nestedAlternative - assertion set specifying nested policy alternative. May be null.
      defaultCreator - default policy assertion creator implementation that shall be used to handle creation of assertions which are not explicitly supported by this policy assertion creator implementation
      domain specific policy assertion implementation according to assertion data provided.
      AssertionCreationException - in case of assertion creation failure