Interface ProtocolMessageHandler

public interface ProtocolMessageHandler
Implementations of this interface that are registered with are invoked to handle protocol response messages that don't correlate with any client request.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Provides information about all WS-Addressing actions that this handler understands and can process.
    processProtocolMessage(Packet protocolMessage)
    This method is invoked from in case it is not possible to resolve WS-A RelatesTo header from the response message to an existing suspended fiber.
  • Method Details

    • getSuportedWsaActions

      @NotNull Collection<String> getSuportedWsaActions()
      Provides information about all WS-Addressing actions that this handler understands and can process.
      collection of all WS-Addressing actions that this handler understands and can process. Must not return null.
    • processProtocolMessage

      void processProtocolMessage(Packet protocolMessage)

      This method is invoked from in case it is not possible to resolve WS-A RelatesTo header from the response message to an existing suspended fiber. In such case it is assumed that the response may contain some general WS-* protocol message and collection of registered ProtocolMessageHandlers is consulted.

      In case the WS-Addressing wsa:Action header matches one of the supported WS-Addressing actions returned from getSuportedWsaActions() method, the processProtocolMessage( is invoked on ProtocolMessageHandler instance to process the protocol message.

      protocolMessage - a protocol message to be handled