Interface Sequence

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractSequence, InboundSequence, OutboundSequence

@ManagedData @Description("Reliable Messaging Sequence") public interface Sequence
Marek Potociar (marek.potociar at
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • getId

      @ManagedAttribute @Description("Unique sequence identifier") String getId()
      Returns unique identifier of the sequence
      unique sequence identifier
    • getLastMessageNumber

      @ManagedAttribute @Description("Last message identifier register on this sequence") long getLastMessageNumber()
      Provides information on the message number of the last message registered on this sequence
      message number of the last message registered on this sequence
    • registerMessage

      void registerMessage(@NotNull ApplicationMessage message, boolean storeMessageFlag) throws DuplicateMessageRegistrationException, AbstractSoapFaultException
      Registers given message with the sequence
      message - application message to be registered
      storeMessageFlag - boolean flag indicating whether message should be stored until acknowledged or not
      DuplicateMessageRegistrationException - in case a message with such message number has already been registered with the sequence
      AbstractSoapFaultException - in a case the sequence is closed or terminated
    • retrieveMessage

      @Nullable ApplicationMessage retrieveMessage(@NotNull String correlationId)
      Retrieves a message stored within the sequence under the provided correlationId if avalable. May return null if no stored message under given correlationId is available.

      Availability of the message depends on the message identifier acknowledgement. Message, if stored (see registerMessage(, boolean) remains available for retrieval until it is acknowledged. Once the message identifier associated with the stored message has been acknowledged, availability of the stored message is no longer guaranteed and stored message becomes eligible for garbage collection (if stored in memory) or removal.

      Note however, that message MAY still be available even after it has been acknowledged. Thus it is NOT safe to use this method as a test of a message acknowledgement.

      correlationId - correlation identifier of the stored ApplicationMessage
      the message that is stored in the sequence if available, null otherwise.
    • getDeliveryQueue

      DeliveryQueue getDeliveryQueue()
      Updates a delivery queue for this sequence with any unacknowledged messages that should be sent and returns the delivery queue instance. Messages in the queue are the ones currently waiting for a delivery.
      delivery queue with a messages waiting for a delivery on this particular sequence
    • acknowledgeMessageNumbers

      void acknowledgeMessageNumbers(List<Sequence.AckRange> ranges) throws AbstractSoapFaultException
      Marks given message numbers with the sequence as aknowledged
      ranges - message number ranges to be acknowledged
      InvalidAcknowledgementException - is generated when acked ranges contain a SequenceAcknowledgement covering messages that have not been sent.
      AbstractSoapFaultException - in case the sequence is terminated
    • acknowledgeMessageNumber

      void acknowledgeMessageNumber(long messageNumber) throws AbstractSoapFaultException
      Marks given message number with the sequence as aknowledged
      messageNumber - message number to be acknowledged
      AbstractSoapFaultException - in case the sequence is terminated
    • isFailedOver

      boolean isFailedOver(long messageNumber)
      Determines whether a given message number is registered as received, unacknowledged and failed over.
      messageNumber - message number to be tested
      true if the message number is registered as received, unacknowledged and failed over, false otherwise
    • getAcknowledgedMessageNumbers

      List<Sequence.AckRange> getAcknowledgedMessageNumbers()
      Provides a collection of ranges of message numbers acknowledged with the sequence
      collection of ranges of message numbers registered with the sequence
    • isAcknowledged

      boolean isAcknowledged(long messageNumber)
      Is this message number acknowledged with the sequence?
      messageNumber - in a sequence
      true if acknowledged, otherwise false
    • hasUnacknowledgedMessages

      @ManagedAttribute @Description("True if the sequence has unacknowledged message identifiers") boolean hasUnacknowledgedMessages()
      The method may be called to determine whether the sequence has some unacknowledged messages or not
      true if the sequence has any unacknowledged message identifiers, false otherwise
    • getState

      @ManagedAttribute @Description("Runtime state of the sequence") Sequence.State getState()
      Provides information on the state of the message sequence
      current state of the message sequence
    • setAckRequestedFlag

      void setAckRequestedFlag()
      This method should be called to set the AckRequested flag, which indicates a pending request for acknowledgement of all message identifiers registered with this sequence.
    • clearAckRequestedFlag

      void clearAckRequestedFlag()
      This method should be called to clear the AckRequested flag, which indicates that any pending requests for acknowledgement of all message identifiers registered with this sequence were satisfied.
    • isAckRequested

      @ManagedAttribute @Description("True if AckRequested flag set") boolean isAckRequested()
      Provides information on the actual AckRequested flag status
      true if the AckRequested flag is set, false otherwise
    • updateLastAcknowledgementRequestTime

      void updateLastAcknowledgementRequestTime()
      Updates information on when was the last acknowledgement request for this sequence sent to current time.
    • isStandaloneAcknowledgementRequestSchedulable

      boolean isStandaloneAcknowledgementRequestSchedulable(long delayPeriod)
      Determines whether a standalone acnowledgement request can be scheduled or not based on the hasUnacknowledgedMessages() value, last acknowledgement request time (see updateLastAcknowledgementRequestTime()) and delayPeriod parameter. Returns true if the sequence has any pending acknowledgements is set and last acknowledgement request time is older than delay period substracted from the current time. Returns false otherwise.
      delayPeriod - delay period that should pass since the last acknowledgement request before an autonomous acnowledgement request is sent.
      true or false depending on whether
    • getBoundSecurityTokenReferenceId

      @ManagedAttribute @Description("The security token reference identifier to which this sequence is bound") String getBoundSecurityTokenReferenceId()
      Provides information on a security session to which this sequence is bound to.
      security token reference identifier to which this sequence is bound to.
    • close

      void close()
      Closes the sequence. Subsequent calls to this method have no effect.

      Once this method is called, any subsequent calls to the #getNextMessageId() method will result in a IllegalStateException being raised. It is however still possible to accept message identifier acknowledgements, as well as retrieve any other information on the sequence.

    • isClosed

      @ManagedAttribute @Description("True if the sequence has been closed") boolean isClosed()
      Provides information on the sequence closed status.
      true if the sequence has been closed, false otherwise
    • isExpired

      @ManagedAttribute @Description("True if the sequence has expired") boolean isExpired()
      Provides information on the sequence expiration status.
      true if the sequence has already expired, false otherwise
    • getLastActivityTime

      @ManagedAttribute @Description("Last activity time on the sequence in milliseconds") long getLastActivityTime()
      Provides information on the last activity time of this sequence. Following is the list of operations invocation of which causes an update of last activity time:
      last activity time on the sequence in milliseconds
    • preDestroy

      void preDestroy()
      The method is called during the sequence termination to allow sequence object to release its allocated resources