Class ClassSelector

    • Constructor Detail

      • ClassSelector

        public ClassSelector()
    • Method Detail

      • getClassScope

        public final CClassInfoParent getClassScope()
        Gets the current class scope.
      • pushClassScope

        public final void pushClassScope​(CClassInfoParent clsFctry)
      • popClassScope

        public final void popClassScope()
      • getCurrentBean

        public CClassInfo getCurrentBean()
      • bindToType

        public CTypeInfo bindToType​(XSComponent sc,
                                    XSComponent referer)
        Checks if the given component is being mapped to a type. If so, build that type and return that object. If it is not being mapped to a type item, return null.
      • executeTasks

        public void executeTasks()
        Runs all the pending build tasks.
      • getPackage

        public JPackage getPackage​(String targetNamespace)
        Gets the Java package to which classes from this namespace should go.

        Usually, the getOuterClass method should be used to determine where to put a class.