Interface XSComponent

    • Method Detail

      • getAnnotation

        XSAnnotation getAnnotation()
        Gets the annotation associated to this component, if any.
      • getAnnotation

        XSAnnotation getAnnotation​(boolean createIfNotExist)
        Works like getAnnotation(), but allow a new empty XSAnnotation to be created if not exist.
        createIfNotExist - true to create a new XSAnnotation if it doesn't exist already. false to make this method behavel like getAnnotation().
        null if createIfNotExist==false and annotation didn't exist. Otherwise non-null.
      • getForeignAttributes

        List<? extends ForeignAttributes> getForeignAttributes()
        Gets the foreign attributes on this schema component.

        In general, a schema component may match multiple elements in a schema document, and those elements can individually carry foreign attributes.

        This method returns a list of ForeignAttributes, where each ForeignAttributes object represent foreign attributes on one element.

        can be an empty list but never be null.
      • getForeignAttribute

        String getForeignAttribute​(String nsUri,
                                   String localName)
        Gets the foreign attribute of the given name, or null if not found.

        If multiple occurences of the same attribute is found, this method returns the first one.

        See Also:
      • getLocator

        Locator getLocator()
        Gets the locator that indicates the source location where this component is created from, or null if no information is available.
      • getOwnerSchema

        XSSchema getOwnerSchema()
        Gets a reference to the XSSchema object to which this component belongs.

        In case of XSEmpty component, this method returns null since there is no owner component.

      • getRoot

        XSSchemaSet getRoot()
        Gets the root schema set that includes this component.

        In case of XSEmpty component, this method returns null since there is no owner component.

      • getSourceDocument

        SchemaDocument getSourceDocument()
        Gets the SchemaDocument that indicates which document this component was defined in.
        null for components that are built-in to XML Schema, such as anyType, or "empty" XSContentType. This method also returns null for XSSchema. For all other user-defined components this method returns non-null, even if they are local.
      • select

        Collection<XSComponent> select​(String scd,
                                       NamespaceContext nsContext)
        Evaluates a schema component designator against this schema component and returns the resulting schema components.
        scd - Schema component designator. See SCD for more details.
        nsContext - The namespace context in which SCD is evaluated. Cannot be null.
        Can be empty but never null.
        IllegalArgumentException - if SCD is syntactically incorrect.
      • selectSingle

        XSComponent selectSingle​(String scd,
                                 NamespaceContext nsContext)
        Evaluates a schema component designator against this schema component and returns the first resulting schema component.
        scd - Schema component designator. See SCD for more details.
        nsContext - The namespace context in which SCD is evaluated. Cannot be null.
        null if the SCD didn't match anything. If the SCD matched more than one node, the first one will be returned.
        IllegalArgumentException - if SCD is syntactically incorrect.
      • visit

        void visit​(XSVisitor visitor)
        Accepts a visitor.
      • apply

        <T> T apply​(XSFunction<T> function)
        Accepts a functor.