Class CPluginCustomization

  • public class CPluginCustomization
    extends Object
    Vendor extension customization contributed from Plugins.
    Kohsuke Kawaguchi
    • Field Detail

      • element

        public final Element element
        The annotation found in a schema (or in an external binding file.) Always non-null.
      • locator

        public final Locator locator
        The source location where this customization is placed.

        When an error is found in this customization, this information should be used to point the user to the source of the problem. Always non-nul.

    • Constructor Detail

      • CPluginCustomization

        public CPluginCustomization​(Element element,
                                    Locator locator)
    • Method Detail

      • markAsAcknowledged

        public void markAsAcknowledged()
        When a Plugin "uses" this annotation, call this method to mark it.

        CPluginCustomizations that are not marked will be reporeted as an error to users. This allows us to catch customizations that are not used by anybody.

      • isAcknowledged

        public boolean isAcknowledged()