Class JAnnotationUse

All Implemented Interfaces:

public final class JAnnotationUse extends JAnnotationValue
Represents an annotation on a program element. TODO How to add enums to the annotations
Bhakti Mehta ([email protected])
  • Method Details

    • getAnnotationClass

      public JClass getAnnotationClass()
    • getAnnotationMembers

      public Map<String,JAnnotationValue> getAnnotationMembers()
    • param

      public JAnnotationUse param(String name, boolean value)
      Adds a member value pair to this annotation
      name - The simple name for this annotation
      value - The boolean value for this annotation
      The JAnnotationUse. More member value pairs can be added to it using the same or the overloaded methods.
    • param

      public JAnnotationUse param(String name, byte value)
      Adds a member value pair to this annotation
      name - The simple name for this annotation
      value - The byte member value for this annotation
      The JAnnotationUse. More member value pairs can be added to it using the same or the overloaded methods.
    • param

      public JAnnotationUse param(String name, char value)
      Adds a member value pair to this annotation
      name - The simple name for this annotation
      value - The char member value for this annotation
      The JAnnotationUse. More member value pairs can be added to it using the same or the overloaded methods.
    • param

      public JAnnotationUse param(String name, double value)
      Adds a member value pair to this annotation
      name - The simple name for this annotation
      value - The double member value for this annotation
      The JAnnotationUse. More member value pairs can be added to it using the same or the overloaded methods.
    • param

      public JAnnotationUse param(String name, float value)
      Adds a member value pair to this annotation
      name - The simple name for this annotation
      value - The float member value for this annotation
      The JAnnotationUse. More member value pairs can be added to it using the same or the overloaded methods.
    • param

      public JAnnotationUse param(String name, long value)
      Adds a member value pair to this annotation
      name - The simple name for this annotation
      value - The long member value for this annotation
      The JAnnotationUse. More member value pairs can be added to it using the same or the overloaded methods.
    • param

      public JAnnotationUse param(String name, short value)
      Adds a member value pair to this annotation
      name - The simple name for this annotation
      value - The short member value for this annotation
      The JAnnotationUse. More member value pairs can be added to it using the same or the overloaded methods.
    • param

      public JAnnotationUse param(String name, int value)
      Adds a member value pair to this annotation
      name - The simple name for this annotation
      value - The int member value for this annotation
      The JAnnotationUse. More member value pairs can be added to it using the same or the overloaded methods.
    • param

      public JAnnotationUse param(String name, String value)
      Adds a member value pair to this annotation
      name - The simple name for this annotation
      value - The String member value for this annotation
      The JAnnotationUse. More member value pairs can be added to it using the same or the overloaded methods.
    • annotationParam

      public JAnnotationUse annotationParam(String name, Class<? extends Annotation> value)
      Adds a member value pair to this annotation For adding class values as param
      name - The simple name for this annotation
      value - The annotation class which is member value for this annotation
      The JAnnotationUse. More member value pairs can be added to it using the same or the overloaded methods.
      See Also:
    • param

      public JAnnotationUse param(String name, Enum<?> value)
      Adds a member value pair to this annotation
      name - The simple name for this annotation
      value - The enum class which is member value for this annotation
      The JAnnotationUse. More member value pairs can be added to it using the same or the overloaded methods.
    • param

      public JAnnotationUse param(String name, JEnumConstant value)
      Adds a member value pair to this annotation
      name - The simple name for this annotation
      value - The JEnumConstant which is member value for this annotation
      The JAnnotationUse. More member value pairs can be added to it using the same or the overloaded methods.
    • param

      public JAnnotationUse param(String name, Class<?> value)
      Adds a member value pair to this annotation This can be used for e.g to specify
      For adding a value of Class<? extends Annotation> annotationParam(java.lang.String, java.lang.Class)
      name - The simple name for this annotation param
      value - The class type of the param
      The JAnnotationUse. More member value pairs can be added to it using the same or the overloaded methods.
    • param

      public JAnnotationUse param(String name, JType type)
      Adds a member value pair to this annotation based on the type represented by the given JType
      name - The simple name for this annotation param
      type - the JType representing the actual type
      The JAnnotationUse. More member value pairs can be added to it using the same or the overloaded methods.
    • param

      public JAnnotationUse param(String name, JExpression value)
      Adds a member value pair to this annotation.
      name - The simple name for this annotation
      value - The JExpression which provides the contant value for this annotation
      The JAnnotationUse. More member value pairs can be added to it using the same or the overloaded methods.
    • paramArray

      public JAnnotationArrayMember paramArray(String name)
      Adds a member value pair which is of type array to this annotation
      name - The simple name for this annotation
      The JAnnotationArrayMember. For adding array values
      See Also:
    • annotate

      @Deprecated public JAnnotationUse annotate(Class<? extends Annotation> clazz)
      This can be used to add annotations inside annotations for e.g @XmlCollection(values= @XmlCollectionItem(type=Foo.class))
      clazz - The annotation class to be included
      The JAnnotationUse that can be used as a member within this JAnnotationUse
    • generate

      public void generate(JFormatter f)