Class JType

All Implemented Interfaces:
JGenerable, Comparable<JType>
Direct Known Subclasses:
JClass, JPrimitiveType

public abstract class JType extends Object implements JGenerable, Comparable<JType>
A representation of a type in codeModel. A type is always either primitive (JPrimitiveType) or a reference type (JClass).
  • Constructor Summary

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    abstract JClass
    Create an array type of this type.
    Gets the binary name of the type.
    abstract JClass
    If this class is a primitive type, return the boxed class.
    Compare two JTypes by FQCN, giving sorting precedence to types that belong to packages java and javax over all others.
    If this is an array, returns the component type of the array.
    Returns the erasure of this type.
    abstract String
    Gets the full name of the type.
    Tell whether or not this is an array type.
    Tell whether or not this is a built-in primitive type, such as int or void.
    final boolean
    Returns true if this is a referenced type.
    abstract String
    Gets the name of this type.
    abstract JCodeModel
    Gets the owner code model object.
    parse(JCodeModel codeModel, String typeName)
    Obtains a reference to the primitive type object from a type name.
    abstract JType
    If this class is a wrapper type for a primitive, return the primitive type.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

    Methods inherited from interface com.sun.codemodel.JGenerable

  • Constructor Details

    • JType

      protected JType()
  • Method Details

    • parse

      public static JPrimitiveType parse(JCodeModel codeModel, String typeName)
      Obtains a reference to the primitive type object from a type name.
    • owner

      public abstract JCodeModel owner()
      Gets the owner code model object.
    • fullName

      public abstract String fullName()
      Gets the full name of the type. See for the details.
      Strings like "int", "java.lang.String", "[]". Never null.
    • binaryName

      public String binaryName()
      Gets the binary name of the type. See
      Name like "Foo$Bar", "int", "java.lang.String", "[]". Never null.
    • name

      public abstract String name()
      Gets the name of this type.
      Names like "int", "void", "BigInteger".
    • array

      public abstract JClass array()
      Create an array type of this type. This method is undefined for primitive void type, which doesn't have any corresponding array representation.
      A JClass representing the array type whose element type is this type
    • isArray

      public boolean isArray()
      Tell whether or not this is an array type.
    • isPrimitive

      public boolean isPrimitive()
      Tell whether or not this is a built-in primitive type, such as int or void.
    • boxify

      public abstract JClass boxify()
      If this class is a primitive type, return the boxed class. Otherwise return this.

      For example, for "int", this method returns "java.lang.Integer".

    • unboxify

      public abstract JType unboxify()
      If this class is a wrapper type for a primitive, return the primitive type. Otherwise return this.

      For example, for "java.lang.Integer", this method returns "int".

    • erasure

      public JType erasure()
      Returns the erasure of this type.
    • isReference

      public final boolean isReference()
      Returns true if this is a referenced type.
    • elementType

      public JType elementType()
      If this is an array, returns the component type of the array. (T of T[])
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • compareTo

      public int compareTo(JType o)
      Compare two JTypes by FQCN, giving sorting precedence to types that belong to packages java and javax over all others. This method is used to sort generated import statments in a conventional way for readability.
      Specified by:
      compareTo in interface Comparable<JType>